FaceGate is a novel program to classify actions from a variety of input sources to then control a hardware component. Requires Python >=3.4
- numpy - math calculations and data handling
- opencv-python - openCV bindings for Python
- pystasm - openStasm bindings for Python. Requires OpenCV source
- Pillow - Imaging library to display images
- pyserial - Connecting to the Arduino
- olimex-ekg-emg - EMG library
- matplotlib - For graphing
- PyOpenGL - Arm simulation
- PyOpenGL_accelerate - Arm Simulation
- pygame
- scipy
- onnx
- onnx-mxnet
python3 olimex_test.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0
- python3-pil.imagetk
- tensorflow
- tflearn (simplifies tensorflow)
pystasm requires the OpenCV source code to be installed on your system. There is a script here to install it.
Requires 'braccio' library to be installed via Library Manager.