Adds warning support for Flask-Debugtoolbar
is available on pypi
and installable with:
pip install flask-debugtoolbar-warnings
This package supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 (and presumably Python 3.7 and the pypy versions of these Python versions, though it is untested).
If you are installing this package outside of a virtual environment
consider installing it with pip install --user
rather than using
sudo or adminstrator privileges to avoid installing it into your
system Python.
After installing this package, register it into the flask-debugtoolbar
by setting the DEBUG_TB_PANELS
configuration variable before calling
on the DebugToolbar object:
app.config['DEBUG_TB_PANELS'] = [ 'flask_debugtoolbar_warnings.WarningsPanel' ]
By setting this variable it implicity disables the other panels that are enabled by default, if you wish to keep those enabled set this variable with them set as well:
app.config['DEBUG_TB_PANELS'] = [ 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.versions.VersionDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.timer.TimerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.headers.HeaderDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.request_vars.RequestVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.config_vars.ConfigVarsDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.template.TemplateDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.logger.LoggingPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.route_list.RouteListDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar.panels.profiler.ProfilerDebugPanel', 'flask_debugtoolbar_warnings.WarningsPanel' ]
After the first request through your application, this panel will begin
intercepting all warnings that are not ignored or already filtered by
being set to once
or module
, or have been set to error
throw exceptions rather than pass fully through the warning machinery).
You may view these warnings in the DebugToolbar side panel under the Warnings section. The warnings panel will display the category (e.g. what kind of warning), filename, line number, message and source (if provided).