for Sublime Text 2
This is a Sublime Text 2 plugin allowing you to easily search the Unity3D Script Reference.
Most of all it let's you right-click on any Unity Class or function and select 'Unity Class/Function Lookup' to open the Unity script reference page for that class or function.
The plugin code is based on the WordPress Codex Search by welovewordpress
ctrl + shift + P and type Unity
, or right click on any function and select 'Unity Class/Function Lookup'.
You can also select 'Search Unity Reference' to search the whole reference for the selected text.
The easiest way to install this is with Package Control.
- If you just went and installed Package Control, you probably need to restart Sublime Text 2 before doing this next bit.
- Bring up the Command Palette (Command+Shift+p on OS X, Control+Shift+p on Linux/Windows).
- Select "Package Control: Install Package" (it'll take a few seconds)
- Select Unity3D Script Reference when the list appears.
Package Control will automatically keep Git up to date with the latest version.
If you have some problems or improvements with it, contact me via GitHub.