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Menus are windows that allow users to make a selection from a list of items. Below are descriptions of the various menus and how they can be utilized.

Main Menu Bar

This section describes the usage of the main menu bar. The main menu bar is rendered at the top of the window with menu items being added from left to right. When a menu item is clicked, a context menu is opened below the selected item. Creating the main menu bar can open anywhere in the code after the Slab.Update call. These functions should not be called within a BeginWindow/EndWindow call.

if Slab.BeginMainMenuBar() then
    if Slab.BeginMenu("File") then
        if Slab.BeginMenu("New") then
            if Slab.MenuItem("File") then
                -- Create a new file.

            if Slab.MenuItem("Project") then
                -- Create a new project.


        Slab.MenuItem("Save As")


        if Slab.MenuItem("Quit") then



Context Menus

These are menus which are rendered above all other controls to allow the user to make a selection out of a list of items. These can be opened up through the menu bar, or through a right-click action from the user on a given window or control. Menus and menu items make up the context menu and menus can be nested to allow a tree options to be displayed.

-- This is placed outside of a BeginWindow/EndWindow call for context menus in the void space.
if Slab.BeginContextMenuWindow() then
    Slab.MenuItem("Global Item 1")
    Slab.MenuItem("Global Item 2")

    if Slab.BeginMenu("Global Item 3") then
        Slab.MenuItem("Sub Item 1")
        Slab.MenuItem("Sub Item 2")


Below is an example of creating context menus for different controls of a window.

Slab.Button("My Button 1")

if Slab.BeginContextMenuItem() then
    Slab.MenuItem("My Button 1 Item 1")
    Slab.MenuItem("My Button 1 Item 2")

Slab.Button("My Button 2")

if Slab.BeginContextMenuItem() then
    Slab.MenuItem("My Button 2 Item 1")
    Slab.MenuItem("My Button 2 Item 2")

Below is an example of a context menu specific for a window.

Slab.BeginWindow('MyFirstWindow', {Title = "My First Window"})
Slab.Button("My Button")

if Slab.BeginContextMenuWindow() then
    Slab.MenuItem("My Window Item 1")
    Slab.MenuItem("My Window Item 2")


Context menus can also be opened using other mouse buttons. This is handled through the first parameter of BeginContextMenuItem/BeginContextMenuWindow, which specifies which mouse button to use when opening the menu.

Slab.BeginWindow('Left_Mouse_Context_Menu', {Title = "Left Mouse Context Menu"})

if Slab.BeginContextMenuItem(1) then
    Slab.MenuItem("Context Menu Item 1")
    Slab.MenuItem("Context Menu item 2")



Menu Items

Menu items make up the contents of a context menu. When a menu item is clicked, the function will return true. There are currently two types of menu items supported. They are the standard menu items and a checked menu item.


Below is a list of functions associated with the Menu API.


This function begins the process for setting up the main menu bar. This should be called outside of any BeginWindow/EndWindow calls. The user should only call EndMainMenuBar if this function returns true. Use BeginMenu/EndMenu calls to add menu items on the main menu bar.

Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the main menu bar process has started.


This function should be called if BeginMainMenuBar returns true.


This function begins the process of rendering a menu bar for a window. This should only be called within a BeginWindow/EndWindow context.

Parameter Type Description
IsMainMenuBar Boolean Is this menu bar for the main viewport. Used internally. Should be ignored for all other calls.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the menu bar process has started.


This function should be called if BeginMenuBar returns true.


Adds a menu item that when the user hovers over, opens up an additional context menu. When used within a menu bar, BeginMenu calls will be added to the bar. Within a context menu, the menu item will be added within the context menu with an additional arrow to notify the user more options are available. If this function returns true, the user must call EndMenu.

Parameter Type Description
Label String The label to display for this menu.
Options Table List of options that control how this menu behaves.
Option Type Description
Enabled Boolean Determines if this menu is enabled. This value is true by default. Disabled items are displayed but cannot be interacted with.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the menu item is being hovered.


Finishes up a BeginMenu. This function must be called if BeginMenu returns true.


Opens up a context menu based on if the user right clicks on the last item. This function should be placed immediately after an item call to open up a context menu for that specific item. If this function returns true, EndContextMenu must be called.

Parameter Type Description
Button Number The mouse button to use for opening up this context menu.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the user right clicks on the previous item call. EndContextMenu must be called in order for this to function properly.


Opens up a context menu based on if the user right clicks anywhere within the window. It is recommended to place this function at the end of a window's widget calls so that Slab can catch any BeginContextMenuItem calls before this call. If this function returns true, EndContextMenu must be called.

Parameter Type Description
Button Number The mouse button to use for opening up this context menu.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the user right clicks anywhere within the window. EndContextMenu must be called in order for this to function properly.


Finishes up any BeginContextMenuItem/BeginContextMenuWindow if they return true.


Adds a menu item to a given context menu.

Parameter Type Description
Label String The label to display to the user.
Options Table List of options that control how this menu behaves.
Option Type Description
Enabled Boolean Determines if this menu is enabled. This value is true by default. Disabled items are displayed but cannot be interacted with.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the user clicks on this menu item.


Adds a menu item to a given context menu. If IsChecked is true, then a check mark will be rendered next to the label.

Parameter Type Description
Label String The label to display to the user.
IsChecked Boolean Determines if a check mark should be rendered next to the label.
Options Table List of options that control how this menu behaves.
Option Type Description
Enabled Boolean Determines if this menu is enabled. This value is true by default. Disabled items are displayed but cannot be interacted with.
Return Description
Boolean Returns true if the user clicks on this menu item.
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