war_hotel is a Chef cookbook that fully configures a Tomcat Web server hotel. What's a web server hotel? It's a big server that can host a lot of instances of a web server and Web ARchives (WARs) in those instances.
It's all driven by a specific Chef role that originates in Git, drives through a delivery pipeline, and ends up in a production Chef org and eventually assigned to the run list of a Chef node. An example role:
"name": "war_hotel1",
"description": "Web ARchive Hotel role for Hotel #1.",
"chef_type": "role",
"json_class": "Chef::Role",
"override_attributes": {
"war_hotel": {
"instances": [
"id": "instance1",
"docker_image": "tomcat:8.5",
"tomcat": {
"config": {
"version": "1.0.0"
"wars": [
"artifact_id": "war1",
"group_id": "com.bbt.bcb",
"version": "1.0.0"
"smoke_test_commands": [
"command": "curl -f http://localhost:10080/test-instance1-war1",
"expected_return_code": 0
"command": "curl -L http://localhost:10080/test-instance1-war1 | grep \"test-instance1-war1 v1.0.0\"",
"expected_return_code": 0
"run_list": [
So when a machine that has the chef-client installed on it gets the above role assigned to the machine's run list, next time the chef-client runs the machine becomes the WAR Hotel, setting up all the Tomcat instances and installing (using Maven) all the indicated WARs automatically.
Some conventional behavior worth noting:
- Any number of instances can be installed each with any number of WARs. It's up to you to optimize how many instances and WARs go on a machine.
- The major version of Java can be specified for a particular instance of Tomcat. When a new instance is created, the latest version of Java specified in the Chef environment will be used; thereafter, updates to Java will be handled automatically. The minor versions will be taken care of automatically.
- The instance of Tomcat is not a choice. If a new instance is created, the latest version of Tomcat specified in the Chef environment will be used; thereafter, updates to the Tomat version will be handled automatically.
- Upgrades of WAR versions are handled by this war_hotel cookbook
The remainder of this README describes how the major moving parts of the cookbook work, as well as describing the Test Kitchen test suite design in detail.