Releases: fivosts/BenchPress
Releases · fivosts/BenchPress
PACT-2022 Release
Introduced active search program generation.
Added model evaluation.
This is a submission checkpoint.
- Enabled compiler rewarded training to kick-in after a selected number of steps instead of always starting at the begginning.
A short summary of all changes and upgrades:
- Implement Pytorch version of BERT
- Added iterative compilation training in BERT model
- Implement online data generator for training and sampling; Masks kernels on stream.
- Implement active data generator for sampling only; Creates generations of good candidates based on distance from target features.
- Add support for TPUs.
- Add support for data parallelism in multiple GPUs.
- Added compilation rate, sample features fields in samples DB.
- Implement BigQuery module for querying large datasets, in C, C++, OpenCL, Java, Python and GO.
- Fetched a hybrid dataset (BigQuery + recursive miner) of 40,000 subject openCL files.
- Enabled official OpenCL 2.2 API and now CL types are supported in training and generation.
- Decreased overall rejection rate of corpuses; achieved 48% rejection rate in 40k kernel corpus.
- Sample set feature is added; original corpus is pickled and can be masked with new specs.
- Plot overall input features of encoded corpus.
Removed Bazel as a build system and migrated to CMake.
Upgraded full build to LLVM-9. Now both LLVM-6 and 9 are equally supported.
Add memory management modules for RAM and GPU memory.
Implement flask dashboard
Implement interactive plotly plots.
Bug fixes.
BERT 0.1.1
- Data generator into protobuf
- Fixes in sampler.
BERT 0.1.0
- CMake 3.13 in place of Bazel
- Database for Sampler storing samples
- Automated GPU stuff that had been wasting manual effort.
BERT 0.0.1
Checkpoint version of repo containing some flavours of BERT.