For animating subtitles/play lines over randomly flickering sets of images with some built-in visual effects using your own images. Built for a personal creative project as a way of automating animation work and subtitling. Works as a fun little desktop screensaver as well.
Custom animations (put separate frames in order in ./animations)
8-directional spritesheets (put in order in ./directional_sprites)
Mass-triggered sprites and animations with custom paths etc.
Drop your images (ideally the same size) in a directory in 'pics' and the program will generate a text file with the same name as the directory. Write into it. Using z,x,c, you can cycle through the lines so as to overlay subtitles.
Put your transparent images into ./overlays, enable with 'b' and cycle through with up/down. Ideally the equal or larger size to your use-resolution.
Various types of animations, spritesheets, path-animated sprites, backgrounds, scene-settings are supported. Found in Place instances of these effect classes in the list 'effects' in subtitler.main(). Place the images used by these effects into ./effects. Toggled via the keys 1-9.
You can also place LISTS of these effects into the 'effects' list and then toggle many different effects with a single key 1-9.
Toggle a spotlight with right click, cycle through styles with the mousewheel. Place your textures into ./spotlights. The images should have no transparency; black is opaque, any other colour is incrementally more see-through as it gets lighter (and whiter).
Image files with names 001.png, 002.png, ..., 999.png can be placed into ./effects and cycled through via right/left. Example use: 1920x1080 images with some transparency to overlay buildings in the set and transition between these different sets.
If your line of text contains a '#', then the line will get split by it to a 'speaker' and 'dialogue' configuration, as shown in the following image:
D - Switch to next image directory (in alphabetical order).
Z,X,C - Next line of text.
T - Reload text file.
ENTER - Reset to the first line of text.
R - Reset the positions of all effects.
+/- - Resize selected control surface.
ijkl - Move selected control surface (if movable).
PGUP / PGDN - Cycle through control surfaces.
B - Enable background overlay.
Up / Down - Change background overlay.
Right / Left - Switch scene.
1-9 - Toggle effects or lists of effects.
Right click - Toggle spotlight.
Scroll wheel - Cycle through spotlights.
F11 - Toggle fullscreen.
ESC - Quit.
I wrote this project to help me with animating and subtitling a personal creative project, so it may not be particularly useful to anyone else. However, it does offer a few 'fun' features for other users, such as acting as a neat-looking screensaver.
Note however, that due to this being purpose-built for a personal project, it can be a little bit difficult to use and customising its functionality requires some programming.