A beanstalkd client for Elixir
Mostly a fork of elixir_talk without the yaml dependency and with the added ability to send multiple commands.
All commands return tuples with :ok or :error
Warning: This is Alpha software and subject to breaking changes.
iex -S mix
iex(1)> host = ''
iex(1)> port = 11300
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = Beanstix.connect(host, port)
Host and Port default to '' and 11300
After connection to the beanstalkd successfully, we can enqueue our jobs:
iex(2)> Beanstix.put(pid, "hello world")
{:ok, 352}
Or we can get jobs:
iex(3)> Beanstix.reserve(pid)
{:ok, {1, "hello world"}}
Once we are finishing a job, we have to delete it, otherwise jobs are re-queued by beanstalkd
after a :ttr
"time to run" (60 seconds, per default) is surpassed. A job is marked as finished, by calling delete:
iex(4)> Beanstix.delete(pid, 1)
{:ok, :deleted}
blocks until a job is ready, possibly forever. We can invoke reserve with a timeout in seconds,
to indicate how long we want to wait to receive a job. If such a reserve times out, it will return :timed_out
iex(12)> Beanstix.reserve(pid, 2)
{:ok, :timed_out}
If you use a timeout of 0, reserve will immediately return either a job or :timed_out
A single beanstalkd server can provide many different queues, called "tubes" in beanstalkd. To see all available tubes:
iex(6)> Beanstix.list_tubes(pid)
{:ok, ["default"]}
socat - tcp4-connect:,crnl