Files I have created to study cryptography course of Stanford University - Coursera Week 1 Assignment
With 11 encrypted messages, all using the same key, had to build a program to discover the 11th message. Started search for 'the' as it is the most commun word in a english text. Used the crib dragging as described in here: Week 2 Assignment
Given the key and ciphertexts I had to decrypt 4 text using 2 AES in CBC mode and another 2 using AES in counter mode (CTR). Build a python program to decrypt these messages. Week 2 - Question 9
On this problem, was given the code to create the cipher, the 3 cipher texts, and 4 messages in binary format. Have to discover without knowing the keys, what was the ciphertext for the 4 message. Week 3 Assignment Creation of SHA256 blocks with 1024bits 1Kb on video file