you must click the button use this template
- using template - create name of your repository
- rename link readme - change link repo default
to your repo - codeclimate - you must integrate repo to codeclimate don't forget set your repo is public for integrated and in github repo settings create secret key with name
and value from code climateREPORTER ID
or clone this repository via https :
default branch using commonjs
if you want version ecmascript you must checkout to branch version/ecmascript
- Node.js -
- Express -
- nodemon -
- pm2 -
- error handling
- database structure folder
- testing with jest
- coverage use jest
- with docker example
- validiation, use express-valdator and joi
- pagination example
- custom message api response
- eslint airbnb base
- jestjs -
cp .env-sample .env
- via yarn or npm :
# install package
npm install or yarn install
# running app
npm run dev or yarn dev
# running unit tetsing
npm run test or yarn test
- via make :
# start aplication with docker
make docker-start
# stop docker container
make docker-stop
# remove docker container
make docker-down
MONGO_SERVICE=# uri mongodb
AUTH_SOURCE= #auth service
SECRET_KEY= #jwt secret key here
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose up --build -d
# install package
docker-compose exec boillerplate npm install
# running unit testing
docker-compose exec boillerplate npm run test
using swagger check in folder static
├── .github/ * all workflows github actions
├── caprover/ * for deployment in caprover
├── coverage/ * all output coverage
├── docker/ * all dockerfile
├── src/ * all source code in here
└── config/ * all configuration file here
| └── db.js * configuration database
└── database/ * all models schema file here
| └── models * all models file
| └── migrations * all migrations file
| └── seeders * all seeders file
└── handlers/ * all file handlers here
| └── index.js * register all handler here
└── lang/ * setup language
| └── index.js * register all language here
└── middleware/ * all middleware file here, for check before next to api
└── repository/ * all file repository for single db or multiple db
| └── monggo * register all monggo
| └── mysql * register all mysql
| └── postgresql * register all postgresql
└── routes/ * all file route here
| └── index.js * register all route
└── static/ * config for swagger
| └── swagger.json * config swagger
└── test/ * all test file here
| └── index.js * test apps
└── utils/ * all utils file here
- Guideline:
- Use camelCase for variable name, naming function, load module or other functions
- Use UpperCase for Constant Variable
- Use PascalCase for class name, models
- Use snake_case for file name as variable
- Function name use Verb
- Variable name use Noun