This is a dependency free, lightweight, fast and easy to use Entity-Component System implementation in Swift. It is developed and maintained as part of the Fireblade Game Engine project.
See the Fireblade ECS Demo App or have a look at documentation in the wiki to get started.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine and provide a code example.
- Swift Package Manager (SPM)
- Swiftlint for linting - (optional)
- SwiftEnv for Swift version management - (optional)
Fireblade ECS is available for all platforms that support Swift 5.8 and higher and the Swift Package Manager (SPM).
Extend the following lines in your Package.swift
file or use it to create a new project.
// swift-tools-version:5.8
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourPackageName",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.17.5")
targets: [
name: "YourTargetName",
dependencies: ["FirebladeECS"])
The core element in the Fireblade-ECS is the Nexus.
It acts as a centralized way to store, access and manage entities and their components.
A single Nexus
may (theoretically) hold up to 4294967295 Entities
at a time.
You may use more than one Nexus
at a time.
Initialize a Nexus
let nexus = Nexus()
then create entities by letting the Nexus
generate them.
// an entity without components
let newEntity = nexus.createEntity()
To define components, conform your class to the Component
final class Position: Component {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
and assign instances of it to an Entity
let position = Position(x: 1, y: 2)
You can be more efficient by assigning components while creating an entity.
// an entity with two components assigned.
nexus.createEntity {
Position(x: 1, y: 2)
// bulk create entities with multiple components assigned.
nexus.createEntities(count: 100) { _ in
This ECS uses a grouping approach for entities with the same component types to optimize cache locality and ease up access to them.
Entities with the same component types may belong to one Family
A Family
has entities as members and component types as family traits.
Create a family by calling .family
with a set of traits on the nexus.
A family that contains only entities with a Movement
and PlayerInput
component, but no Texture
component is created by
let family = Movement.self, PlayerInput.self,
excludesAll: Texture.self)
These entities are cached in the nexus for efficient access and iteration.
Families conform to the Sequence protocol so that members (components)
may be iterated and accessed like any other sequence in Swift.
Access a family's components directly on the family instance. To get family entities and access components at the same time call family.entityAndComponents
If you are only interested in a family's entities call family.entities
class PlayerMovementSystem {
let family = Movement.self, PlayerInput.self,
excludesAll: Texture.self)
func update() {
.forEach { (mov: Movement, input: PlayerInput) in
// position & velocity component for the current entity
// get properties
_ = mov.position
_ = mov.velocity
// set properties
mov.position.x = mov.position.x + 3.0
// current input command for the given entity
_ = input.command
func update2() {
.forEach { (entity: Entity, mov: Movement, input: PlayerInput) in
// the current entity instance
_ = entity
// position & velocity component for the current entity
// get properties
_ = mov.position
_ = mov.velocity
func update3() {
.forEach { (entity: Entity) in
// the current entity instance
_ = entity
A Single
on the other hand is a special kind of family that holds exactly one entity with exactly one component for the entire lifetime of the Nexus. This may come in handy if you have components that have a Singleton character. Single components must conform to the SingleComponent
protocol and will not be available through regular family iteration.
final class GameState: SingleComponent {
var quitGame: Bool = false
class GameLogicSystem {
let gameState: Single<GameState>
init(nexus: Nexus) {
gameState = nexus.single(GameState.self)
func update() {
// update your game sate here
gameState.component.quitGame = true
// entity access is provided as well
_ = gameState.entity
To serialize/deserialize entities you must conform their assigned components to the Codable
Conforming components can then be serialized per family like this:
// MyComponent and YourComponent both conform to Component and Codable protocols.
let nexus = Nexus()
let family = MyComponent.self, YourComponent.self)
// JSON encode entities from given family.
var jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
let encodedData = try family.encodeMembers(using: &jsonEncoder)
// Decode entities into given family from JSON.
// The decoded entities will be added to the nexus.
var jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
let newEntities = try family.decodeMembers(from: jsonData, using: &jsonDecoder)
See the Fireblade ECS Demo App to get started.
Consult the online documentation, or preview it locally:
make preview-docs
If you want to contribute please see the CONTRIBUTION GUIDE first.
To start your project contribution run these in your command line:
git clone [email protected]:fireblade-engine/ecs.git fireblade-ecs
cd fireblade-ecs
make setupEnvironment
Before commiting code please ensure to run:
make precommit
This project is currently maintained by Christian Treffs.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Inspired by