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project overview

frome_road is a project I developed solo as a mockup for a social space that employees of Lot Fourteen could use to discuss anything from tech to the weather.

I originally created this project as a way to get into full-stack devving. I wanted to create a project where I could simply start using SQL databases again, I also wanted to show the capabilities (albeit in a lightweight project) of React. Lastly since I hadn't messed with APIs much except for Springboot and .NET I wanted to learn a technology from scratch and one that didn't require VS to edit... looking at you .NET. Due to this I was met with Python Flask or NodeJS. Since I already had experience in JS I figured to go with it and I can spend time learning flask a bit later.

the stack

The project is built with a ReactJS front-end that's hosted on AWS amplify, the middleware is an ExpressJS server which is running on Fargate in EC2/ECS. This was chosen as it has minimal setup despite a slightly higher fee and can scale rapidly due to ECS capabilities. Finally the database is an Aurora MySQL in RDS, this allows the database to scale significantly when traffic is low and provides heaps of options for redundancy and whatnot. Originally I had the stack on bare metal and frankly this would've been a viable option for the project too since cost, however, I took the opportunity to fork out the large sum of $5 a month as a learning experience in AWS and it was well worth it. There is a docker-compose if you would rather use bare metal

Experimenting in the Repo

Step one

clone project with git clone

UI - ReactJS

  1. To develop the UI run cd web && npm i then cd.. && npm run web
  2. You can find the react docs here
  3. It is possible to develop without the API by updating the API_URLS constant in /web/src/constants.ts to const API =; this assumes you have an environment in AWS and have edited the constants values. But for local development, see below.

API - NodeJS

To use the default configuration you will need: an s3 bucket for uploading. a super user IAM and the access/secret keys. You can follow and tailor the cloud instructions to do these steps. Or you can change from multers3 to multer in image.js and post.js

  1. Install MySQL from here and choose your OS

  2. Select MySQL Server and Workbench. You may also wish to choose .NET and Python connector if you plan on using them in the future personally. - The install will require Visual Studio to be installed.

  3. Inside MySQL Workbench connect to your localhost db with a new connection and user root.

  4. Import the data from frome_road by opening the menu server>data import>import from dump project folder> /repo_location/sql/dev/backups/<latest_date>.sql or /repo_location/sql/empty_with_users.sql

  5. Start import, you may have to expand the window to see the button (it's silly)

  6. Create a .env file in the /api/ folder and put the following values.

variable value
SES_KEY AWS user access key
SES_SECRET AWS user secret key
S3_KEY AWS user access key
S3_SECRET AWS user secret key
RDS_DB localhost
RDS_USER admin_fromeroad_local (or rename in the sql script)
JWT_SECRET run npm run crypto and use value
CRYPTO_KEY run npm run crypto and use value
ENV local
  1. Start the local API npm run api from the root directory
  2. Change the line const API = API_URLS.env; to const API = API_URLS.local; in /web/src/constants.ts
  3. Check if you can access the API by going to localhost

AWS - Terraform

Setting up your own environment for Terraform All of this will be done in the AWS console


Create a user called terraform_user or similar and generate two access keys, use only one as if you accidentally expose it you can rotate it and be sure that it is safe again.

If you plan on using a pipeline to CI/CD your changes you must also create two roles, codepipeline-execution-role and codebuild-role. For the codepipeline role , attach the following policy codepipeline-execution-policy from the /terraform/policies folder For codebuild ideally let the codepipeline auto generate it, it will attach AWS policies for codebuild, then attach codebuild-execution-policy from the folder and AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly from AWS

Note If you get an error such as:

"The parameter name can be up to 2048 characters and include the following letters and symbols: a-zA-Z0-9_.-"

when running your terraform apply, it may be caused by a special character in your terraform_user access key just rotate it until you get one that is a string with those characters, "/" is also allowed apparently 🤷‍♂️

Secrets Manager - SM

Here comes the fun part, this is fairly straightforward, anything that is too sensitive to pass in the CLI when running terraform apply should go here. You can find a good example of the secrets in /modules/ecs/ the aws_ecs_task_definition includes a secrets section in the definition where the container retrieves secrets from SSM to use as run-time environment variables.

Create a secret, and select "Other type of secret", insert the below secrets in separate rows. Leave the standard encryption, click next and name your secret group. Then save.

Secret Name Value
ACCESS_KEY terraform_user key
SECRET_KEY terraform_user secret
RDS_USER admin username
RDS_PWD password
DOCKER_USER docker username
DOCKER_PWD password
JWT_SECRET npm run crypto in root fromeroad/
CRYPTO_KEY npm run crypto in root fromeroad/
ENV dev/prod/test

Route 53

This part is likely optional, I assume you don't need a domain if you can find a way around it create a PR and update this section. For me, I wanted to experiment with domains so I bought one, you could also use a subdomain if you own a domain already. This part is pretty simple you buy a domain (register on Route53) and then create a hosted zone for it. You will also need to generate a certificate using Certificate Manager. This Cert will be used to allow HTTPS traffic on your load balancer for your domain.


Create an amplify project and select "Host web app" and connect it to your GitHub repo by choosing GitHub on the next screen. Follow the steps to add your repo remembering to give AWS privileges you can assign to only specific repos if you would like. Also pick the branch you want. Next set the name and adjust the build settings, this is most usually left as default. You can also drop down Advanced and set the environment variables, or do this later. After you have created it, it will run an initial deploy. You can edit all the previous settings on the project homepage. In order to link the frontend with a domain, you can go to domain management and hit "Add domain", here if you have a domain and zone in Route53 it will automatically detect and can set up the linking for you. If you went with a different registrar you will have to read the Amplify docs sorry I only use AWS as my zone creation.

Environment variables:

Variable Value
REACT_APP_API_KEY https://<apiurl>.com
REACT_APP_S3_URL https://<bucket>.s3.<region>
Make sure the crypto key matches what is in your Secrets Manager.

You can set up a redirect so urls like redirect to (ironically GitHub has the redirects go the other way around :P)


Navigate to ECR and hit Create Repository, here simply enter the name of the repo that you want to use. Make sure to change the code to this name, you can find and replace fr_ecr_ (and env) with your name of choice. The files are ecs/ buildspec.yml & terraform_policy Leave everything else default and you're done.


Create a new bucket in the S3 console, leave this one as private as it will be used to store your Terraform state file. Simply run the following command in the Terraform directory. terraform init -var="ACCESS_KEY=<terraform_user_key>" -var="SECRET_KEY=<terraform_user_secret>" -backend-config="bucket=<bucketname>" -backend-config="region=ap-southeast-2" -backend-config="key=prod.tfstate"

Next up is the public buckets for images. Create a bucket as above, however this time, make sure to untick "Block all public access". Inside the permissions tab of the new bucket, add the policy from terraform/policies/bucket-policy.json dont forget to change your bucket name and account ID Finally in order to access the files in the bucket from the front-end you will have to add a CORS rule. I hate CORS so I've put a rule in the policies folder as well you can edit to your use case. If you don't have a domain, change it to the amplify default URL.


Services used here will incur a small cost of about 50c a month for key storage Here is where it gets a bit finicky. In order to fully automate RDS you will need a snapshot saved in your RDS console, however these can only be made from a database that is running. This means you will have to manually login to RDS and import the starting data of your choice, then export a snapshot of the database. To do this:

  • Navigate to VPC -> Security Groups
  • Edit the rds-sg group inbound rules
  • Add a Custom rule with your Public IP address and Port Range 3306.

Now you will be able to access the RDS database using MySQL Workbench or CLI. I use Workbench so thats what I will reference.

Create a connection on the opening screen in Workbench.

Param Value
Connection Name <your_name>
Hostname <rds-endpoint>
Port 3306
Username <RDS_USER>
Password <RDS_PWD>

Test the connection and connect if it works.

  • Open the "Server" dropdown in the menu bar
  • Select "Data Import"
  • Choose "Import from Self-Contained file"
  • Select the file in /sql/prod/empty_with_users.sql

This will create the schema and tables and populate it with some users. Moving from this you can now create a snapshot in RDS To do this,

  • Open the RDS console on AWS if not already opened.
  • Head to snapshots
  • Take Snapshot
  • Select your RDS
  • Name the snapshot
  • Change the name of the snapshot in the snapshot_identifier to whatever you named it in RDS

Now when you run tf apply in the future it will import data from this snapshot upon creation and you wont have to manually import. This may incur a small cost of about 50c a month for key storage


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