Contributors: jconroy
Tags: editor, custom, style, paragraph, intro, introduction, tinymce
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 3.6.1
Stable tag: 1.0
Adds an "Intro Paragraph" style option to the styles dropdown in the WordPress editor.
Adds an "Intro Paragraph" style option to the styles dropdown in the WordPress editor.
- Copy the 'simple-intro-paragraph' folder into your plugins folder
- Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page
This plugin adds 'Intro Paragaph' as an option in the style dropdown.
The plugin DOES NOT add any styles to the dashboard. Theme developers can use the add_editor_style();
function to link a custom stylesheet file specific to their needs to the TinyMCE visual editor.
The class applied to the paragraph is intro-paragraph
- Initial release