This repo is where the EVM actor for the Filecoin Virtual Machine was incubated.
This actor was merged into builtin-actors in the following PR: filecoin-project/builtin-actors#517
This is a very early stage of the project and this readme will evolve over time to include build and deployment instrustions.
In the root of the project execute the following command:
$ make
It should produce a wasm binary in ./wasm/fil_actor_evm.compact.wasm
that containst the EVM runtime actor in optimized release mode.
In the root of the project execute the following command:
$ make test
it will compile all actors to wasm and then run them inside a simulated FVM environment and excercise all test cases.
The EVM runtime in this actor implement opcodes and their semantics as of the London hard fork.
Handling of EVM MSTORE
opcodes is implemented by the Memory
module. This module is responsible for the volatile memory that is available only during contract execution and reclaimed afterwards by the system.
The basic unit of allocation is a Page which is 64KB, to map 1:1 to WASM memory model of allocating memory in pages of 64KB.
Every contract execution context begins with one memory page allocated and it grows to more pages if the contract requests more memory than the current reserved amount.
Currently there is no limit on the EVM side on how much memory a contract may reserve. This is limited by the wasmtime configuration in FVM.
Handling of EVM SSTORE
opcodes is implemented in terms of reads and writes to IPLD Hamt. EVM defines the concept of cold and warm memory access, where first access to a given address is considered cold that is more expensive and subsequent reads or writes to that memory address are considered warm and incur lower gas cost. This comes from EIP-2930. Filecoin does not have a notion of warm and cold storage access so this is kind of meaningless to us in general and is only kept there for now to keep EVM gas accounting accurate. This will likely go in future iterations and all state access will be treated equally.
All contract runtime state is persisted in a Hamt::<_, U256, U256>
mapping and its root Cid
is stored in the state
field of the contract state. This Cid is conceptially equivalent to Ethereum's state root field of a contract account. This data structure may mutate throught contract's lifetime and the root Cid of the mapping gets updated after every successfull transaction that performed writes.
Bytecode is an immutable part of the state that is created in EVM runtime's constructor as a result of executing the init EVM bytecode in the creation transaction.
Any change to the contract state will invoke sself::set_root
and update the state tree roof of the contract actor. This syscall is called only once at the end of a successful non-reverted transaction.
The entire contract state is represented using the following structure:
pub struct ContractState {
pub bridge: FilecoinAddress,
pub bytecode: Cid,
pub state: Cid,
pub self_address: H160,
A reference to the bridge actor is stored in every EVM contract for resolving FIL addresses of other actors in cross-contract calls.
Currently there is a component called Registry that is responsible for translating EVM addresses to FVM addresses. EVM transactions and inter-contract calls must use EVM addresses which are the first 20 bytes of keccak hash of their secp256k1 public key. This is incompatible with Filecoin addresses that are first 20 bytes of Blake2B hash of the account public key.
The registry contains a Hamt IPLD structure keyed by H160
values (Eth address). Each key maps to the following structure:
pub struct EthereumAccount {
pub nonce: u64,
pub balance: U256,
pub kind: AccountKind,
pub enum AccountKind {
ExternallyOwned {
fil_account: Option<FileCoinAddress>,
Contract {
fil_account: FileCoinAddress
Externally owned addresses don't always have a known mapping to their Filecoin equivalent. This mapping is discovered only once a transaction is issued from that account. This mapping discovery process relies on ecrecover
to recover the public key used for sigining a transaction and then hasing it using Blake2B to get a FIL address that is controlled by the same private key as the EVM account.
Contract accounts always maps to a known FIL address because contract creation occurs on the registry and the robust address is returned by the EVM Runtime actor constructor.
In later iterations we are planning on removing the registry commonent and replace it with univeral addresses, but this is still under design and discussion.