Nostr signature stuff in WASM based on libsecp256k1.
yarn install
A demo application using this package is available at
First, choose which import method suites your needs:
Import with the WASM binary preloaded and uncompressed. No need to perform fetch
, but bundle will be larger (+332 KiB).
import {initNostrWasm} from 'nostr-wasm'
const nw = await initNostrWasm()
Import with the WASM binary preloaded and gzipped (requires access to globalThis.DecompressionSteam
). No need to perform fetch
, but bundle will be still be a bit larger (+175 KiB).
import {initNostrWasm} from 'nostr-wasm/gzipped'
const nw = await initNostrWasm()
Import without the WASM binary. Produces the smallest bundle size but requires fetching the binary yourself.
import {NostrWasm} from 'nostr-wasm/headless'
// provide the binary (the constructor also accepts raw bytes)
const nw = await NostrWasm(await fetch('secp256k1.wasm'))
// generate a random private key
const sec = nw.generateSecretKey()
// get its corresponding public key
const pubkey = nw.getPublicKey(sec)
// finalize a nostr event in-place, filling it with id, pubkey and sig
nw.finalizeEvent(event, sec)
// verify a nostr event checking its id and its signature against the given pubkey
try {
} catch (err) {
Caller is responsible for zero-ing out private keys in the Uint8Array it passes. Library only zeroes out the bytes in the copies it makes.
No, the library is imported as a git submodule directly from upstream.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd nostr-wasm
bun install
The WASM binary will be output to public/out/secp256k1.wasm
The Emscripten-generated js file at public/out/secp256k1.js
is not needed for production if you are using the provided wrapper.