Program name: libftprintf.a
Turn in files: *.c, /.c, *.h, /.h, Makefile
Makefileall should contain: clean, fclean, re;
External functs: malloc, free, write, va_start, va_arg, va_copy,va_end
Libft authorizedyesDescription: Write a library that contains ft_printf, a functionthat will mimic the real printf
•The prototype of ft_printf should beint ft_printf(const char *, ...);
•You have to recode thelibc’sprintffunction
•It must not do the buffer management like the realprintf
•It will manage the following conversions:cspdiuxX%
•It will manage any combination of the following flags: ’-0.*’ and minimum fieldwidth with all conversions
•It will be compared with the real printf•You must use the commandarto create your librairy, using the commandlibtoolis forbidden