v1.8.6, 05/09/2017
- Copy and distribution allowed for academical/research purposes.
- Modification allowed prior author authorization.
- Building Memristor Applications: From Device Model to Circuit Design. Fernando García-Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo, Pablo Ituero. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2014. Accepted for publication. Impact Factor 2012: 1,80.
- The tractability index of memristive circuits: branch-oriented and tree-based models. García Redondo, Fernando and Riaza, Ricardo. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 201. Impact Factor 2012: 0.743
- Model Validation and Simulation Framework for Novel Nanometer Devices. Fernando García Redondo, Marisa López-Vallejo, Pablo Ituero. Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems 2012 (DCIS 2012) Avignon (France).
- A CAD Framework for the Characterization and Use of Memristor Models. Fernando García, Marisa López-Vallejo, and Pablo Ituero. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design 2012 (SMACD2012) Seville, Spain. 19 - 21 September 2012.
- Java 8
- JavaFx (already included in Java 8)
- GnuPlot 4.x
- [Optional] Jfreechart libraries installed and configured
- [Optional] Ant/Maven
- Download OpenJDK-8. In Ubuntu/Debian/Mint
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-doc
- Download open-javafx. In Ubuntu/Debian/Mint
sudo apt install openjfx
- Download java 8 JDK (development) JRE (run) from Oracle web site
- Download javafx from Oracle web site
- Option 1) Import the project in Eclipse. This will use:
- .project file
- .classpath, build.xml and build.fxbuild files
- Option 2) Configure and import the ant build file build.xml
- Option 3) Netbeans/Eclipse IDE
- Create a new JavaFx Project
- Add the sources src
- Configure the BUILDPATH and PATH: add the libraries in the lib folder to the PATH
* src...................[sources ]
* lib...................[JAR libraries]
* dist..................[executable jars]
* measures..............[examples of measures]
* conf_files............[examples of configuration profiles for models]
* icons.................[icons]
* legacy_src_binaries...[deprecated MAF sources and binaries]
* .project..............[eclipse project file]
* .classpath
* build.xml
* build.fxbuild
* changelog
substitute 'X' with the required version
java -jar MAF_X.jar
-Xms specifies the minimum heapsize and -Xmx specifies the maximum size.
java -jar -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m MAF_X.jar