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I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to

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@fgl82 fgl82 released this 26 Apr 03:41

What's new

  • New rom preferences menu, when pressing select.
  • Roms can be set to autostart with the console, as if there was a game cartridge.
  • Overclocking and emulator selection for roms is now saved between sessions.
  • Sections can have a "fantasy name" set in themes. See Epic Cody's or Big Cody's theme.ini files to see how it's done.
  • Sections can now show the game count in their logos/section cards (once more, see the new themes' config)
  • Big Cody theme for 320x240 (or 320x480) consoles
  • Epic Cody theme for 640x480 consoles

Important notes!!!

  • If you have issues with your existing favorites (VERY likely), try deleting one of them and restart the menu.
    If issues persist, delete all of your favorites and start over
  • Be sure to use the config file attached below!!!
  • Play with the overclocking value in config.ini, some consoles can go as high as 1200 Mhz

Additional information

  • The first launch will take longer, due to new auto-config scripts
  • For auto-config to work:
    • your rom files should be in a directory named "ROMS" (uppercase) inside /media/data or /media/sdcard
    • your rom directory names should also use uppercase
    • some common directory names will be scanned (eg. PS, PSX) some won't (Eg. PLAYSTATION)
    • your OPKs should be in /media/data/apps or /media/sdcard/APPS (uppercase)
  • The wiki has been updated (still in progress), CHECK THE CONTROLS SECTION THERE:

Instructions for a fresh install:

  • Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps or /media/sdcard/apps
  • Run the menu once
  • Check the different section groups and sections
  • Exit the menu
  • If you want to modify the different sections (emulators, rom directories, etc.) open the .simplemenu folder on your PC and modify the section group ini files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
  • Delete .simplemenu/last_state.sav
  • Launch it again

Known issues

  • Still working on a better battery algorithm. Can you tell by now I don't care about this at all? =).
  • GMenu2x shortcuts transformed to FGL, that include parameters (like terminal), won't work, yet. (another case of idontcareitis)