611 [coin] is a decentralized key/value registration and transfer system based on Bitcoin technology (a decentralized cryptocurrency).
As a fork of Namecoin, 611 offers a unique blockchain secured and anonymous domain registration service. Blockchain information can be published and accessed by any Internet device using the Domain Name Service (DNS) of 611.TO.
Ownership of a name is based on ownership of a coin, which is in turn based on public key cryptography. The 611 network reaches consensus every few minutes as to which names have been reserved or updated.
In despite of Namecoin 611 blockchain domain objects will be published and accessible globally using the (611.to) gobal Domain Name System as long as entries are setup accurate and do not violate the tonic terms of service.
The number of 611 coins is restricted to about 611-thousand. Fees and mining values are set appropriate to ensure a stable value of asset.
There is a FAQ.md to answer some general questions.
Check https://www.611project.org for more information.
The Bitcoin protocol is augmented with 611 operations, to reserve, register and update names. In addition to DNS like entries, arbitrary name/value pairs are allowed and multiple namespaces will be available. This will include a personal handle namespace mapping handles to public keys and personal address data.
The protocol differences from bitcoin include:
- Different blockchain, port, IRC bootstrap, dnsseed and message header
- New transaction types: new, first-update, update
- Validation on the new transaction types
- RPC calls for managing names
- Increased network fees to slow down the initial rush and to reward miners.
Please read DESIGN-611d.md for details.
Build from source code is supported on Linux, Windows and Mac (and probably all other *nix compatible systems). The /doc folder is providing detailed build instructions for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.