This project is a React-based Faucet application for dispensing tFRM tokens on various testnets.
To get the project up and running on your local machine, follow the steps below.
Make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:
- Node.js (v12 or higher)
- npm (v6 or higher)
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd ferrum-testnet-faucet
Install the project dependencies:
npm install
Before running the project, you need to configure the environment variables. Follow the steps below:
In the project root directory, create a new file named .env. Open the .env file and provide the following values:
Replace your_faucet_address, your_ferrum_token_address, and your_faucet_account_private_key with the actual values corresponding to your setup. Note: Make sure not to share your private key publicly or commit it to a version control system.
Once you have completed the installation and configuration steps, you can run the project using the following command:
npm run start
This will start the development server and open the application in your default browser.
You can now interact with the Ferrum Testnet Faucet application in your browser.