For the sake of reproducibility, we show in this repo: the code, the data files, and the plotting functions used to generate the figures in our work: Majorana bound states in encapsulated bilayer graphene arXiv:2202.00593.
- All the code provided here is written in Julia (v1.0 >)
- Our code uses the syntax of Quantica.jl
- The data files used to build each figure can be either directly accessed at
or generated as we illustrate in the following:
In a Julia terminal:
using Pkg
Generate all data corresponding to each figure and store it in a folder named /data
The specifications of the machines used in our calculations are shown in said file.
We also provide in ~/MBSinBLG/compute/plotfunctions.jl
the plotting code that generates the figures of our manuscript.
The user just need to specify the path to the .csv file and use the corresponding plotting function, for instance, figure 7 is:
using CairoMakie, VegaLite, LaTeXStrings, Colors, MakieTeX
using ElectronDisplay
using MBSinBLG
pathfig7 = "MBSinBLG/data/fig7"
In addition, we explicitly export a set of useful functions to obtain information about the physical properties of the system under analysis. They are the following:
nanoribbonS, nanoribbonSA, nanoribbonSZ, Params, modelS, rectangle_weaklink, rectangle_randombounds_sc, ldosonlattice_averaged_sc
Detailed information on any of them can be accessed as follows: ?function_name