This plugin renders codeblocks with the label latex
into an SVG and displays them inline in the note on preview. You are required to bring your own command that outputs a .svg
file from a .tex
file input, examples are given below.
- Install latex system
- Install this plugin
- Set the command in settings
When these strings appear in your command, they will be replaced with their respective values. I would recommend wrapping them in quote marks ""
in the event of spaces.
: The absolute path to the file to be processed without the file extension. Most latex commands don't require the file extension, if one does you can just add it.
latex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -shell-escape "{file-path}" && dvisvgm "{file-path}"
This command uses latex
to output a .dvi
file and dvisvgm
to convert the .dvi
into an .svg
. Both of these commands should be available from most tex systems.
The text in the output of the above command make look strange because by default dvisvgm
uses <font>
tags which are not supported by Obsidian. To fix this the --font-format
option can be set. (See:
latex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -shell-escape "{file-path}" && dvisvgm --font-format=woff2,ah "{file-path}"
The content inside of latex
code blocks will be rendered using the given command. The document class standalone
will be set for you using \documentclass{standalone}
. You can load any packages you need with \usepackage{}
The generated svg's <div>
parent has the class block-language-latex
, so it can be styled using CSS snippets. For example, if you are using dark mode you can set filter: invert(100%)
to invert the colours for a quick hack for dark themed diagrams. You could also set background-color: white
By default the plugin will keep generated .svg
files in .obsidian/obsidian-latex-render-svg-cache/
so it won't have to re-render if nothing in the code block has changed, or you copy the code block to a different file, the plugin will simply reuse the .svg
file. It'll keep track of which files use each .svg
and when no files use a .svg
the plugin removes it from the cache.
This should allow (hasn't been tested) latex
code blocks to appear as .svg
in notes when the vault is synced across different devices that may not have latex
installed. Just don't edit the code block otherwise it won't be happy.
The svgs shown below have been generated in Obsidian with the setup in
\draw[very thin,color=gray] (-0.1,-1.1) grid (3.9,3.9);
\draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (4.2,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-1.2) -- (0,4.2) node[above] {$f(x)$};
\draw[color=red] plot (\x,\x) node[right] {$f(x) =x$};
\draw[color=blue] plot (\x,{sin(\x r)}) node[right] {$f(x) = \sin x$};
\draw[color=orange] plot (\x,{0.05*exp(\x)}) node[right] {$f(x) = \frac{1}{20} \mathrm e^x$};
\begin{circuitikz}[american, voltage shift=0.5]
\draw (0,0)
to[isource, l=$I_0$, v=$V_0$] (0,3)
to[short, -*, i=$I_0$] (2,3)
to[R=$R_1$, i>_=$i_1$] (2,0) -- (0,0);
\draw (2,3) -- (4,3)
to[R=$R_2$, i>_=$i_2$]
(4,0) to[short, -*] (2,0);
\arrow[drr, bend left, "x"]
\arrow[ddr, bend right, "y"]
\arrow[dr, dotted, "{(x,y)}" description] & & \\
K & X \times_Z Y \arrow[r, "p"] \arrow[d, "q"]
& X \arrow[d, "f"] \\
& Y \arrow[r, "g"]
& Z
\quad \quad
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=2.5em]
A' \arrow[rr,"f'"] \arrow[dr,swap,"a"] \arrow[dd,swap,"g'"] &&
B' \arrow[dd,swap,"h'" near start] \arrow[dr,"b"] \\
& A \arrow[rr,crossing over,"f" near start] &&
B \arrow[dd,"h"] \\
C' \arrow[rr,"k'" near end] \arrow[dr,swap,"c"] && D' \arrow[dr,swap,"d"] \\
& C \arrow[rr,"k"] \arrow[uu,<-,crossing over,"g" near end]&& D
- Use
's html experimental output, removing the need forpdf2svg
- Find a better name (it feels generic, i don't like it)
- Add preamable's
- Github actions release
- Use as a renderer