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Surf Forecast API w/ NodeJS and TypeScript

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This project was made for studying purposes, and it's based on the free course below, held by Waldemar Neto from Dev Lab.

Waldemar Neto course playlist
"From zero to production: Learn to build a Node.JS API with TypeScript"

Stack used

  • NodeJS (>= 12.0.0)
  • TypeScript
  • Jest
  • Mongoose
  • GitHub Actions

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository:
    git clone <project_name>

  • Install dependencies:
    yarn or npm install

  • Build and run the project:
    yarn start or npm start

  • Start MongoDB using Docker (optional):
    docker-compose up -d

  • Run the project in development mode (using Nodemon):
    yarn start:devor npm run start:dev

  • Run unit and functional tests:
    yarn test or npm test


As stated above, this API uses MongoDB as it's database, and requires it to be running before starting the server. You can create a free database using MongoDB Atlas or run a local instance using Docker. A docker-compose file has been aded to the project with a simple MongoDB instance. To start it locally run: docker-compose up -d, and then your MongoDB instance will be running at localhost:27017.


The documentation uses the OpenAPI 3.0 standard. You can access the API documentation using the /docs endpoint after running the project.

Environment variables

This project uses dotenv package to manage environment variables. To set your variables, create a .env file (or just rename the .example.env), which contains all the environments needed to run the application. All variables are required.

  • PORT -> Port where the server will start (Heroku set this environment automatically).
  • LOGGER_ENABLED -> Flag to indicate if application will log messages using Pino logger.
  • LOGGER_LEVEL -> Level to log messages.
  • MONGODB_URL -> MongoDB connection url.
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY -> Secret value that JWT tokens should be signed with.
  • STORM_GLASS_API_URL -> Storm Glass API service base url.
  • STORM_GLASS_API_TOKEN -> Storm Glass service API token.


This project is currently deployed on Heroku. You can make some requests using the following base url: