Express GraphQL API built with TypeScript and PostgreSQL database
The proposal of this API is to serve coworking offices to allow the reservation of their meeting rooms. It allows an user to:
- Registrate into the coworking database
- Block duplicated username or duplicated email in the database
- Login
- List all rooms of the coworking space
- Search for available rooms for a given timespan
- View meeting schedule from himself or from a specific room
- Book a meeting room for a given timespan
- Blocks user from creating past meetings or meetings with invalid time range
- Prevents user from creating conflicts with himself
- Prevents conflicting meetings created by different users
- Cancel a reservation
- Blocks user from canceling meetings that already started
- Express and Express GraphQL server
- GraphiQL for easy exploring the API
- Built using TypeScript v4.x
- Sequelize ORM v6.x
- ESlint and prettier code formatters
- Unit and integration tests running with Jest
- Authentication via JWT
- Password encryptation using bcrypt
- Logs with Pino
- Joi for config schema validation
- Docker ready environment with docker-compose and Dockerfile
- GitHub Actions CI workflow
Clone this repository
git clone
cd into the directory
cd meeting-room-reservations-api
Create .env file (see Environment Variables section)
Install dependencies using npm or yarn
Run with docker
docker-compose up -d
Run database migrations and seeds using yarn or npm scripts
yarn db:migrate
andyarn db:seed
Access http://localhost:3000/graphql and play with the API
To see examples of queries and mutations, see here
Run entire test suite (unit and integration)
yarn test
Run only unit tests
yarn test:unit
Run only integration tests
yarn test:integration
OBS: To run integration tests, you need to create a local test database. You can do it by usingnpx sequelize-cli db:create --env=test
after starting the local postgres instance via Docker.
This project uses dotenv package to manage environment variables. To set your variables, create a .env file (or just rename the .example.env) which contains all the environments needed to run the application. All variables are required.
NODE_ENV -> application environment
PORT -> port where the server will start
LOGGER_ENABLED -> Flag to indicate if application will log messages using Pino logger
LOGGER_LEVEL -> Level to log messages
DB_USERNAME -> PostgreSQL database user
DB_PASSWORD -> PostgreSQL database password
DB_HOST -> PostgreSQL host or PostgreSQL container name (if running on Docker)
DB_NAME -> PostgreSQL database name
DB_PORT -> PostgreSQL database port
DB_DIALECT -> Database dialect (postgres)
TIMEZONE -> Database timezone
JWT_SECRET_KEY -> Secret value that JWT tokens should be signed with
TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN -> JWT expiration time