These templates are used to deploy RainCatcher to Openshift using the a s2i json files.
- Clone
- cd to openshift-raincatcher
The run
script to start openshift and deploy raincatcher
|NOTE: default for username and password is developer
Script contains the following commands
- Start Openshift
oc cluster up
- Login to Openshift
oc login -u developer -p pasword-goes-here
- Create project call raincatcher
oc new-project raincatcher --display-name="Raincatcher"
- Switch to project
oc project raincatcher
- Use raincatcher.json to deploy raincatcher-server, mongo and redis
oc new-app -f raincatcher.json
- Use raincatcher-portal.json to deploy raincatcher-portal
oc new-app -f raincatcher-portal.json
- Use raincatcher-mobile.json to deploy raincatcher-mobile
oc new-app -f raincatcher-mobile.json
Create a project called raincatcher
in Openshift
Add to project
Import yaml/json
Select raincatcher.json and continue Mongo, redis and raincatcher-server will be deployed.
Select on 'Add to project'
Import yaml/json
Select raincatcher-portal.json and continue
once build use the follow link to access portal
This is a development environment only Select on 'Add to project'
Import yaml/json
Select raincatcher-mobile.json and continue
once build use the follow link to access mobile