This image is layer on-top of the standard rethinkdb image to make it easier to setup a cluster on swarm.
It's inspired a lot thanks to the great walkhrough by Stefan Prodan, but using this image you do not need the secondary/primary steps.
It uses the swarm DNS to request all nodes in the rethinkdb
-namespace, and passes it on to the rethinkdb startup command.
First create a network:
$ docker network create --driver overlay rethinkdb-network
Setup a service for rethinkdb:
$ docker service create \
--name rethinkdb \
--network rethinkdb-network \
--mount type=volume,source=/var/lib/rethinkdb,target=/data,type=bind \
--update-delay 10s \
Now you can scale up the service depending on the number of nodes available.
$ docker service scale rethinkdb=2
To simplify things it's easier to run the rethinkdb admin as a separate service. Here is how you can do that:
$ docker service create \
--name rethinkdb-admin \
--network rethinkdb-network \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--update-delay 10s \
rethinkdb \
rethinkdb proxy --bind all --join rethinkdb
Then visit http://$IP:8080
in your browser.
- I'm not sure how to limit docker swarm to only run one instance of rethinkdb per node
- I'm not super sure all this is necessary...
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose push