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Newton: a multiphysics coupling master code

Newton is a master code that solves implicit coupling in nonlinear calculations. It was designed with a general purpose. For example, it can be used in multiscale coupled problems, in CFD-temalhydraulic problems, in neutronic-termalhydraulic problems, and others.

Newton solves residual coupling equations explicitly or implicitly. It has been demostrated in several works([1], [2]) that in some kind of problems implicit approaches improve convergence of the iterations.


Compiling Newton

Make sure you have set MPI_DIR and PETSC_DIR environmental variables, also set NEWTON_DIR in your path, then:

# After setting MPI_DIR and PETSC_DIR environmental variables:

Running examples

Several examples has been included to demonstrate the capabilities of the code. Programm ${NEWTON_DIR}/bin/Test acts as different client codes calling it with different arguments. Type in console:

cd ${NEWTON_DIR}/examples/linear_system_2_clients/io-io/

This example solves a system of four coupled equations with four unknowns (w, x, y, z). Client linear1 solves x, y, z as funcion of w and client linear2 solves w as funtion of x, y, z. Both clients are spawned by Newton as many times as necessary until the converged solution is reached. The parameters of the problem, as well as parameters needed by the numerical methods implemented in Newton and all that Newton has to know to spawn the clients is set in the configuration file examples/linear_system_2_clients/io-io/newton.config. Change value broyden in METHOD card to secant and run again the test. Then look what happends.

Now move on to another test. Type:

cd ${NEWTON_DIR}/examples/linear_system_2_clients/mpi_comm-mpi_comm/

This example solves the same system of coupled equations but now connecting with client codes by MPI. Now take a look at the configuration file. It is so much simpler! This is because now Newton doesn't have to know nothing about file names and paths: communication is between codes while they are running. Again, you can play as much as you want with the configuration file. For example, change the value of the initial conditions and see how change the amount of iterations needed to convege to the solution using different methods.

Running Newton on multiple processors

Newton is designed to run in one or multiple processes. Wether it is better one or other choice depends on the way that Newton connects with clients. Problems involving more than one spawn of codes are adressed more eficiently running Newton on multiple threads:

mpirun -np N -machinefile mf ${NEWTON_DIR}/bin/Newton # N threads, mf file with node names

To see an example running with 3 threads take a look at examples/nonlinear_system_3_clients/io-io-io/

Main features

  • Explicit and implicit methods implemented to solve residual equations.

  • Newton uses PETSc functions to solve linear systems in methods that build jacobian matrix of the system.

  • Efficient error handling.

  • Multiple connection modes with clients: input writing and output reading (I/O), communication by MPI ports and communication by MPI communicators stablished in the same execution.

  • Ready-to-use functions to read outputs & write inputs of clients that connect by I/O.

  • Implemented communication with Fermi & RELAP by I/O both connected with different threads of Newton.

  • Ready-to-use mappers of variables received and sended to clients.

  • Mappers implemented to get cross-sections as function of termal-hydraulic and burnup variables.

  • Sets of specific variables that need to be storage and updated along the evolution of systems.

  • Multiple debugger modes that can be activated by keywords from input file.


Newton includes the possibility of using mappings between variables to adecuate them to the unknowns that are used to solve the residuals. For example, in neutronic-termal-hydraulic calculations it is common to treat as unknown temperatures and densities, and cross sections are calculated based on the values of the previous variables. Different mappers could be used for different client codes to adecuate as well guesses as calculated variables. Its implementation requieres minimal programming in ready-to-use functions of class Mapper. To implement a mapper, just modify ${NEWTON_DIR}/usr/src/userMap.cpp and then use MAPPER user_mapper in newton.config. To add more mappers, just copy from the originals more functions in the same file, change their names and programm what is necessary. Then put a keywords for them, like user_mapper2, and add the case in ${NEWTON_DIR}/src/Mapper.cpp. Also, add the function declarations in ${NEWTON_DIR}/src/Mapper.h.

Input writing and output reading

To implement I/O with your own client code, just modify ${NEWTON_DIR}/usr/src/userClient.cpp and then use IO_TYPE USER_CODE in newton_config. To implement it in several client codes, just copy from the originals more functions in the same file, change their names and programm what is necessary. Then put a keywords for them, like USER_CODE2, and add the case in ${NEWTON_DIR}/src/Parser.cpp and in ${NEWTON_DIR}/src/Client.cpp. Also, add the function declarations in ${NEWTON_DIR}/src/Client.h.


Documentation is available in ${NEWTON_DIR}/doc. User's manual is available right now and developer's manual is being written.

The future

  • Complete documentation.

  • More tests.

  • Performance evaluation.


Copyright (C) 2017 Federico A. Caccia

Newton is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Newton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Newton. If not, see


Any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me at [email protected].


[1] Jorge S. Leiva, Pablo J. Blanco and Gustavo C. Buscaglia. "Iterative strong coupling of dimensionally heterogeneous models". International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2010, vol 81, pags 1558–1580.

[2] Caccia, F. and Dari. E. “Acoplamiento multiescala en cálculos fluidodinámicos" (“Multiscale coupling in fluid dynamics calculations”). XXll Congress on Numerical Methods and its Applications, 7-11 November 2016, Córdoba, Argentina.


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