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Change version of PostgreSQL used on local environment

Jason Upchurch edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 3 revisions

Install target version of PostgreSQL

In your terminal:

$ brew services stop postgresql@<old version>
$ brew install postgresql@<new version>

In your .bash_profile, update your path. If you want to maintain multiple versions of PostgreSQL, you could comment out the "old" PostgreSQL path update and add the following:

#PATH="/usr/local/opt/postgresql@<old version>/bin:$PATH"
PATH="/usr/local/opt/postgresql@<new version>/bin:$PATH"

In your terminal:

$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ brew services start postgresql@<version>

As of 2020-07-24, openFEC and fec-cms are on different versions of PostgreSQL. There are some applications that manage multiple versions, e.g.,, but this tool and others have not yet been explored.