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This project is a commons library for users to use/serialize/deserialize ffc objects

FFUser: A collection of attributes that can affect flag evaluation, usually corresponding to a user of your application. This object contains built-in properties(key, userName, email and country). The only mandatory property is the key, which must uniquely identify each user; this could be a username or email address for authenticated users, or a ID for anonymous users. All other built-in properties are optional, it's strongly recommended to set userName in order to search your user quickly You may also define custom properties with arbitrary names and values.

     FFCClient user = new FFCClient.Builder("key")
        .email("[email protected]")
        .custom("property", "value")

EvalDetail: An object combines the result of a flag evaluation with an explanation of how it was calculated. This object contains a general type of variation value, that could be string, boolean or number; a reason to explain how it was calculated; an id within the flag's list of variations, whose value is -1, it means that the default value returned, it could have an error in the last evaluation; finally both flag name and flag key name.

EvalDetail<Boolean> res = EvalDetail.of(true, 1, "test", "key1", "flag1");
String json = res.jsonfy();
res = EvalDetail.fromJson(json, Boolean.class);

VariationParams: an object is used to pass the FFClient and flag key name to Server SDK Wrapped API

VariationParams params = VariationParams.of("PayButton", user);
String json = params.jsonfy();
params = VariationParams.fromJson(json);

FlagState and AllFlagStates the 2 objects encapsulate the EvalDetail, which contains the details of evaluation of feature flag. Java Server SDK uses them to return the evaluation of a given feature flag.

FlagState<Boolean> flagState = FlagState.of(res);
json = flagState.jsonfy();
flagState = flagState.fromJson(json, Boolean.class);

AllFlagStates<Boolean> allFlagStates = AllFlagStates.of(true, null, Arrays.asList(res));
json = allFlagStates.jsonfy();
allFlagStates = AllFlagStates.fromJson(json, Boolean.class);