AngularJS/Semantic UI web app backed by the powerful Laravel5 PHP Framework
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Install the following:
Your host machine will need to have bower and gulp installed globally
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g gulp
The vagrant directory stores the Vagrant file to create the VM and provision it with Ansible. Navigate to directory and install VM.
$ cd vagrant && vagrant up
Vagrant machine will take some time to download, install and provision itself.
The vagrant machine runs under ip This can be changed in the Vagrantfile in vagrant directory.
Add the following to the host machine's hosts file
This will allow you to reach the application from the host machine by visiting
Now we need to install the node dependencies. On the host machine navigate to the app directory and run npm install
$ cd project/app && npm install
Now lets download all bower dependencies
$ bower install
Finally lets build all assets
$ gulp build
$ gulp buildVersion
Now you can test the application and navigate to with your favorite browser.
Build (Need to run 2 tasks in order to build all assets)
$ gulp build
$ gulp buildVersion
You can pass the --production flag in order to build assets for production (No sourcemaps and minified)
$ gulp build --production
$ gulp buildVersion --production
$ gulp watch
Semantic UI allows you to completely customize the CSS components. Follow the Semantic UI instructions for more information.
The configurable Semantic UI files can be found in /project/app/resources/assets/semantic
When you are done making the desired changes re-run the build commands.
$ gulp build
$ gulp buildVersion