Please read the entire assignment.
To start, fork repository
- Go to
- Click on "Fork Repository" button
- Select your GitHubID as the organization to fork to
- Go to Settings and enable issue tracking
Connect to your docker container
Clone the forked repository to your docker container
git clone [email protected]:<GHUser>/MiniProject1.git
Copy Miniproject1.ipynb to YourUTKID.ipynb
``` git add YourUTKID.ipynb git commit -m "YOUR commit message" ```
Now back in the shell Push/sync the changes to github.
git push
At Create a pull request on the original repository fdac22/Miniproject1 to turn in the assignment.
- Group 1: bkammerd jclar168 tcultice delzinga lpearcy1 cbeckfor hfarahat
- Group 2: aenzor bmclaug6 bgullet1 lgangula imulet mduraney rwill166
- Group 3: rpatel77 jstaman rswan elidberb tnitzsch acook46 vhanset
- Group 4: awalsh15 jim5 gkirk rsexton8 wparham1 dscott57 vhazlewo
- Group 5: cbrow216 tneuefei ntayefeh vbhupati beken abahour2 aphan2
- Group 6: jrodeghi tainley spunjani tkhan7 troger28 cbrook53 robdgrif
- Group 7: nmize1 rschenck csmit402 pbowlin1 smishr11 zhayes2 chagens
- Group 8: lsharpe8 sblank11 batkhamj jsun36 eander68 relgedaw kmaclin1
- Group 9: clee95 dhuang14 pattle zwilli13 bschwar7 hhaynie ahickm18
- Group 10: cearhear cjohn260 oameli friya shoque jsadik spate118
- Group 11: npatel79 rseamons sjohn248 ssuresh6 jallbrit jmandzak ababjac
- Group 12: yahmad1 broachel zlim2 jamin jblanch8 tharshba zhamm
- Group 13: klee50 mdeleon1 mdenise dwill148 ljakstas aesser zmalkmus
- Group 14: ahillhou whannon1 bbutle11 dseals3 lwrinkle aartates cwang93
- Group 15: amcdan23 jmuncy2 abrock14 awelden2 echavez2 dwhite75 kyumhan
- Do the first five steps listed above before the class on Sep 8: if you have any issues, we need to clarify them before Sep 8. (Ensure you've got your file pushed to your fork.)
- Come up with an idea of what analysis you are going to use and what data sources you will use. Discuss it with your assigned peer on Sep 8. You present the idea to your peer next to you (e.g., bkammerd to jclar168) in the list of groups produce a comment (e.g., jclar168 for bkammerd) for the peer before you in the group. The first person comments on the presentation of the last person (e.g., bkammerd for hfarahat) and the last presents to the first (hfarahat to bkammerd). To access your peer's forked repository, manually enter the url: The mapping of the GH ids to UTK IDs is in
When you raise an issue, you should assign it to the GHUSER who should comment on it.
- Start doing the analysis and discuss your progress with your peer so that you are done before class on Sep 13. In case you encounter any problems retrieving, storing, or analyzing data please discuss them with your peer and, if needed, escalate.
- Prepare a few slides (or a jupyter notebook) explaining the approach and findings and present to a small group as specified below.
- We will have the entire class on Sep 13 for you to practice presentations in several groups
At the end of the presentations within the group a vote will be held (by that group) for one presentation to be selected for the presentation to the entire class. The first person listed in each group will record that in the issue #4
- I expect you to make at least one commit (in your cloned repo) by Sep 8 and at least three by Sep 13.
- Each interaction with your peer should result in an issue that describes your peers comments. You should raise at least one issue against your peers repository peer/Miniproject1 (see above), and you should make at least one commment on the issue raised against your fork (you/Miniproject1).
- What is the question?
- What was the approach?
- What problems did I encounter?
- What results did I get?
- What new ideas did this generate?