factory for web application development
This is a factory for fbi v4
node v10+
$ npx fbi create @fbi-js/factory-web
: template for vue web applicationreact
: template for react web applicationmicro-main
: template for Micro-fontends base applicationmicro-vue
: template for Micro-fontends vue application
: start development serverfbi s
: build files in specify env mode (default:production
)fbi b
field in package.json
or .fbi.config.js
in the project's root folder. This config specified the factory, template, and features used by the current project. e.g.:
// package.json
"fbi": {
"factory": {
"id": "@fbi-js/factory-web",
"version": "",
"template": "react",
"features": { "typescript": true, "admin": true }
Each template has a built-in configuration. e.g.:
You can extends or customize webpack config based on the built-in configuration. Touch a webpack.config.js
file in the project's root folder. Then you can write configuration in several ways:
plaint webpack config. docs
module.exports = { entry: './index.js', resolve: { alias: { // ... } } // ... }
config options. docs
const config = require('@fbi-js/webpack-config-react').default module.exports = config({ options: { isTs: true // ... } })
plaint webpack config + config options.
const config = require('@fbi-js/webpack-config-react').default module.exports = config({ options: { isTs: true // ... }, webpackConfig: { // plaint webpack config goes here } })
- eslint:
field inpackage.json
. docs - stylelint:
field inpackage.json
. docs - browserslist:
field inpackage.json
. docs - prettier:
field inpackage.json
. docs
Build your own factory-web
based on @fbi-js/factory-web
Create a project
npx fbi create @fbi-js/factory-factory
npm i @fbi-js/factory-web
Create and modify files
// src/index.ts
import FactoryWebBase from '@fbi-js/factory-web'
import CommandX from './commands/my-command'
import TemplateX from './templates/my-template'
const { name, description } = require('../package.json')
export default class FactoryWeb extends FactoryWebBase {
id = name
description = description
// 1. replace default commands and templates
commands = [new CommandX(this)]
templates = [new TemplateX(this)]
constructor () {
// 2. OR: extends default commands and templates
// this.commands.push(new CommandX(this))
// this.templates.push(new TemplateX(this))
Compile ts files
yarn build
fbi link
fbi create
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Thank you to all the people who already contributed to fbi factory!
Licensed under MIT.
- 生成 copys 和 renders 的路径