Grunt plugin for editing .NET assembly info files. NOTE: this plugin requires Grunt 0.4.x and currently only supports C#.
From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:
$ npm install grunt-dotnet-assembly-info --save-dev
Next add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
Inside your Gruntfile.js
file, add a section named assemblyinfo
, containing
assembly information:
assemblyinfo: {
options: {
// Can be solutions, projects or individual assembly info files
files: ['src/MySolution.sln',
// Filename to search for when a solution or project is
// specified above. Default is AssemblyInfo.cs.
filename: 'MyCustomAssemblyInfo.cs',
// Standard assembly info
info: {
title: 'Planet Express Website',
description: 'Shipping and tracking website.',
configuration: 'Release',
company: 'Planet Express',
product: 'Planet Express Website',
copyright: 'Copyright 3002 © Planet Express',
trademark: 'Planet Express',
culture: 'div-MV',
version: function (value) {
var version = parseVersion(value);
if (version.patch > packageVersion.patch) {
email('devs', patchNotes);
// If no value is returned the assembly version will not be modified
fileVersion: ''
Nate-Wilkins |
MIT License