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React Formik Wizard

A simple opinionated library for creating dynamic forms (aka wizards) with React using JSON

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Building forms is hectic. Building wizards, even more so! I built this library to enable me to create quick wizards and forms using plain json. Having a form defined in a structure like JSON has a lot of advantages, to name a few:

  1. Lose coupling between your React components and your forms, you can have your forms stored as json anywhere in your architecture and deployed independently of your frontend code 🚀
  2. Easy to build tools that would help in form creation and maintenace by non-technical team members, saves your engineers time ⏰


npm install --save react-formik-wizard


import React from 'react'
import Wizard from 'react-formik-wizard'

const App = () => {

  // JSON representing form, this can be stored in your code or in your server and fetched at runtime.
  const form = {
    name: 'My Wizard',
    settings: {
      disableNextUntilValid: true,
      disableSubmitUntilValid: true,
      useSections: true
    steps: [
        name: 'Personal Info',
        id: 'personal_info',
        sections: [
            name: 'Biodata',
            fields: [
                label: 'First Name',
                id: 'first_name',
                type: 'text',
                required: true
                label: 'Last Name',
                id: 'last_name',
                type: 'text',
                required: true
                label: 'Date of Birth',
                id: 'dob',
                type: 'date',
                required: true
        name: 'Medical',
        id: 'medical',
        sections: [
            name: 'Current conditions',
            fields: [
                label: 'If yes, list all conditions you have',
                id: 'all_conditions',
                type: 'combobox',
                options: [
                  { value: '1', label: 'Diabetes' },
                  { value: '2', label: 'HBP' }
                required: true
    validation: []

  const onComplete = (values: any) => {

  return <Wizard wizard={wizard} onComplete={onComplete} />

export default App

Defining Custom Components

It's possible to define custom UI to render fields instead of the default components rendered. For example:

const CustomDateInput = ({ form, field }: any) => {
  return (
      <DayPickerInput onDayChange={(e) => form.setFieldValue(, e)} />

const App = () => {
  const wizard = {
    name: 'JSON Wizard',
    settings: {
      disableNextUntilValid: true,
      disableSubmitUntilValid: true,
      useSections: true
    steps: [
        name: 'Medical',
        id: 'medical',
        sections: [
            name: 'Personal Information',
            fields: [
                label: 'Do you have any current conditions?',
                id: 'current_conditions_available',
                type: 'custom-date',

  return (
        custom-date: {
          component: CustomDateInput

Conditional Rendering

It's useful in dynamic forms/wizards to render fields depending on the values of other fields. In order to render fields conditionally, you can define it like this in the schema:

  const wizard = {
    name: 'JSON Wizard',
    settings: {
      disableNextUntilValid: true,
      disableSubmitUntilValid: true,
      useSections: true
    steps: [
        name: 'Medical',
        id: 'medical',
        sections: [
            name: 'Personal Information',
            fields: [
              fields: [
                label: 'Do you have any current conditions?',
                id: 'current_conditions',
                type: 'select',
                options: [
                  { value: 'yes', label: 'Yes' },
                  { value: 'no', label: 'No' }
                required: true
                label: 'If yes, list all conditions you have',
                id: 'all_conditions',
                type: 'select',
                options: [
                  { value: '1', label: 'Diabetes' },
                  { value: '2', label: 'HBP' }
                required: true,
                show: {
                  when: 'current_conditions',
                  is: 'yes'

Conditional rendering is determined by the show property. The show property is an object that

  1. Expects a when which is the id of the field whose value is depended upon.
  2. It also expect any of the following params:
    • is: which checks if the field === when ,
    • gt: checks if when > is,
    • gte: checks if when >= is,
    • lt: checks if when <= lt,
    • lte: checks if when <= lte,
    • contains: checks if when contains contains


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