No innovations here, just a logger middleware for redux that will write all redux actions and state changes to the node.js console.
Configuration and output format inspired by redux-logger
npm install --save-dev redux-cli-logger
redux-cli-logger must be called as a function before being utilized as middleware. This allows passing in options to overwrite all colors and arrow icons, as well as a predicate that functions like that in redux-logger. Here's what a simple configureStore function might look like:
import reducer from '../reducers'
import createCLILogger from 'redux-cli-logger'
const middleware = [
// your middleware here
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
const loggerOptions = {
predicate: (getState, action) => !action.MONITOR_ACTION
const logger = createCLILogger(loggerOptions)
const enhancer = compose(
// optionally, electron-enhancer, redux-loop, etc.
const initialState = {}
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, enhancer)
The options object has overridable defaults that look like this:
downArrow: '▼',
rightArrow: '▶',
messageColor: 'bright-yellow',
prevColor: 'grey',
actionColor: 'bright-blue',
nextColor: 'green',
log: console.log,
// when non-null, only prints if predicate(getState, action) is truthy
predicate: null,
// useful to trim parts of the state atom that are too verbose
stateTransformer: (state) => state,
// useful to censor private messages (containing password, etc.)
actionTransformer: (action) => action,