- 🎓 graduate in Computer Science from University of Plymouth, UK
- 💻 passionate individual in AI and Machine Learning
📫 Reach me via [email protected]
📫 Reach me via [email protected]
~ The Bliss - We Got Your Event ~ This Event Planning Website was created by 6 undergraduates for a group project for the Web Application Development module. This project was completed successfully…
The Bliss - mobile application is a simple Kotlin-based e-commerce application having a variety of products where customers can place orders with just a few taps on the screen. The application was …
Forked from NimashaKWeerasinghe/Salon-Management-System
~Salon Mali~ This Salon Management System was created by 6 undergraduates for a group project for the Object Oriented Programming with C# module. This project was completed successfully with the co…
Forked from ruchiraedirisinghe/awesome-github-profile-readme-templates
This repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
Accident Report System is a PHP based web application, that includes other basic web application languages HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users under 4 categories, Driver, RDA Staff, Police Staff, and …