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This role deploy a Standalone Samba Server.
It can be deployed either to a regular GNU/Linux box or by creating a Podman Quadlet container.

The role uses ansible tags that allows use host mode or quadlet mode. Use ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags host to install the Samba Server in a host machine.

Use ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags quadlet to build a Samba Server Container which will run as a Quadlet. When using quadlet the service samba-server will manage the SMB and NMB services


  • podman - version 4.7.2+

Role Variables

  • samba_mode: (str) - Define the samba server installation method. Support host or quadlet. (default host)
  • samba_workgroup: (str) - Defines the samba server workgroup. (default WORKGROUP).
  • samba_home: (bool) - Toggle the Home User shares. (default: false)
  • samba_protocol: (str) - Define the minimal client and server protocol. It can be one of CORE, COREPLUS, LANMAN1, LANMAN2, NT1, SMB2_02, SMB2_10, SMB3_00, SMB3_02, SMB3_11 or SMB2_FF
  • samba_server_string: (str) - Defines the samba server string
  • samba_netbios: (str) - Define the netbios name
  • samba_all_printers: (bool) - Toggle to enable all system printers shares (default false)
  • samba_listen: (str) - A list of interfaces for listening e.g lo eth0
  • samba_hosts_allow: (str) - A space separated list of allowed addresses
  • samba_shares: (list) - A list of shares to be created.
  • The name of share to be created.
  • samba_shares.comment: Define a comment description to the share
  • samba_shares.path: Creates the path in the OS and the share in smb.conf file.
  • samba_shares.mode: The OS directory permission mode
  • samba_shares.owner: The OS directory owner. (if undeclared default root)
  • The OS directory group owner. (if undeclared default root)
  • samba_shares.browseable: Toggle the share browseable flag
  • samba_shares.guest: Toggle samba share guest ok flag
  • samba_shares.force_user: Define the share user owner
  • samba_shares.read_only: Toggle the samba share read_only flag
  • samba_shares.writable: Toggle the samba share writable flag
  • samba_shares.dir_mask: Define the directory creation mask to the share
  • samba_shares.create_mask: Define the creation mask to the share
  • samba_packages: The list of packages to be installed
  • samba_services: The list of smb services, default smb, nmb
  • samba_quadlet_rebuild: (bool) - Remove the previous container image to trigger a clean rebuild (default: false) when set to false speeds up the process however if new changes were made in the templates, it's recommended set it to true
  • samba_selinux: (bool) - Toggle SELinux configurations on the target server, this will manipulate sebooleans and set the proper context type for the shares
  • samba_booleans: (dict) - Define a list of SELinux booleans to be enable or disable

For more information of SMB share flags refere the samba official docs

The smb.conf template also support custom user share inclusion. The drop-in file /etc/samba/usershares.conf can be created with additional custom shares. When using quadlet this file will be mounted.

A Public and CDROM Shares are being created by default, those shares can be mounted via cifs e.g:

sudo mount -t cifs //myserver/public ./public/ -o uid=nobody,gid=nobody,guest,noperm

When using quadlet the selinux relabel will not be used since the quadlet container runs with --security-opt label=disable. All shares are using the shared propagation method, to allow the mounting to be in sync from the host to the container and vice-versa.

  • SELinux Notes:
    In case you're having strange issues with your shares, make sure to check the audit logs e.g: audit2allow -a -w When using quadlet this discussion with cifs and selinux might help you.



Example Playbook

  • Creating a public share:
- name: "Creating a Standalone Samba Server with a Public Share"
  hosts: homelab
  gather_facts: false
    samba_workgroup: "HomeLab"
    samba_server_string: "Samba Box"
      - name: "Public"
        path: "/mnt/public"
        mode: "1777"
        owner: root
        group: root
        browseable: true
        guest: true
        force_user: nobody
        read_only: false
        writable: true

    - role: samba

when using the role from the server collection call the role as mrbrandao.server.samba e.g:

- name: "Creating a Standalone Samba Server Using the Collection"
  hosts: homelab
  gather_facts: false
    samba_workgroup: "HomeLab"
    samba_server_string: "Samba Box"
      - name: "Public"
        path: "/mnt/public"
        mode: "1777"
        owner: root
        group: root
        browseable: true
        guest: true
        force_user: nobody
        read_only: false
        writable: true

    - role: mrbrandao.server.samba
  • Example playbook using the quadlet mode:
- name: "Creating a Quadlet Samba Server Using the Collection"
  hosts: homelab
  gather_facts: false
    samba_mode: "quadlet"
    samba_workgroup: "HomeLab"
    samba_server_string: "Samba Box"
      - name: "Public"
        path: "/mnt/public"
        mode: "1777"
        owner: root
        group: root
        browseable: true
        guest: true
        force_user: nobody
        read_only: false
        writable: true

    - role: mrbrandao.server.samba
  • Example playbook using SELinux and Quadlet:
- name: "Deploy Samba Server"
    - mysamba
  become: true
    - name: "Install missing packages"
        name: rsync
        state: present
        - quadlet

    - name: "Importing Samba Role"
        name: mrbrandao.server.samba
        samba_mode: "quadlet"
        samba_protocol: "NT1"
        samba_listen: "lo eth0"
        samba_selinux: true

this role uses the tags host or quadlet, when using the above playbooks in to install a samba server in a host machine use the tag host e.g:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags host

To install the samba server in a container use the quadlet tag, e.g:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags quadlet

Developing and Testing

This role was developed using ansible molecule. The use of molecule is optional but recommended.

  • Testing:
    Unit tests for checking code regression are available in the tests directory. use the verify or test commands, e.g:
molecule test

while developing use verify instead:

molecule create
molecule verify



Author Information

@mrbrandao - Igor Brandão


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