Let G be a permutation group of a denumerable set E. The profile of G is the function f which counts, for each integer n, the (possibly infinite) number f(n) of orbits of G acting on the n-subsets of E. When this function takes only finite values and is in addition bounded by a polynomial, G is said to be P-oligomorphic. It was a conjecture by Peter Cameron that the profile of these groups was actually asymptotically equivalent to a polynomial. In a recent paper yet to be submitted (the "short version" of which was published by the international conference FPSAC 2018), the conjecture was proved and a classification of all P-oligomorphic groups was described.
The SageMath code hosted on this repository leans on this classification to offer an implementation of these groups. It allows the user to build and manipulate P-oligomorphic groups, and to compute their profile, using some variants of the P'olya enumeration. A more extensive description can be found in Appendix A.2 of the PhD thesis of the author.
class PoligomorphicGroup(Parent)
class HighlyHomogeneousGroup(PoligomorphicGroup)
class AutQQ(HighlyHomogeneousGroup)
class RevQQ(HighlyHomogeneousGroup)
class AutQQCircle(HighlyHomogeneousGroup)
class RevQQCircle(HighlyHomogeneousGroup)
class SymInfinity(HighlyHomogeneousGroup)
class DirectProductOfPoligomorphicGroups(PoligomorphicGroup)
class PermutingSuperblocks(PoligomorphicGroup)
class WreathProductInfiniteBlocks(PermutingSuperblocks)
class SingleSuperblock(PermutingSuperblocks)
class WreathProductFiniteBlocks(SingleSuperblock)
class PoligomorphicGroup_generic(PoligomorphicGroup)
To use, launch SageMath and type commands:
See then the Example notebook for examples of standard uses.