V1.8.2 - Now with all bookworm
Latest scoreboard code (V1.8.2) that utilizes the nhl-api-py library with refactor from Azaroth (to use the nhl-apy-py library) as well as weather fixes from me (falkyre).
Image Specific Updates
- Image now built solely on bookworm (12-11-23 release).
- Removed the zram config for the home directory and logs.
- Added zram-swap (swap is now in ram instead of on your SD card).
- Fixed the sb-upgrade tool to reference the virtual environment for the image so you can use that for future upgrades.
- Fixed auto timezone setting to use the raspi-config (with no no interface) as old way was duplicating timezones.
Any boards related to playoffs or season countdown no longer work so take them out/don't add them to your config. Wild Card stuff doesn't work (under the standing type in the config for the standings board)