- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Electronics Undergrad.
- 🌱 Learning more about Cloud Architecture, Web Development and Data Structures.
- ✍️ Content Design and Trading as hobbies/side hustles.
Forked from happyharis/neumorphic
Flutter Neumorphic widgets that I have experimented and created
Forked from kunal-kushwaha/DSA-Bootcamp-Java
This repository consists of the code samples, assignments, and the curriculum for the Community Classroom complete Data Structures & Algorithms Java bootcamp.
Forked from abhpd/hacktoberfest2021
🌱 Contribute your favorite 📚 Data Structure implementation, 🕸 Algorithms, and 🎲 Projects. 😊 | Very Active Repository, Star and Share with your friends |
Forked from Kritika1300/fictional-octo-barnacle
All kinds of programs are accepted here, raise a genuine PR, and claim a PR, Make 4 successful PR's and get the Stickers and T-Shirt from hacktoberfest 2021