The world's only RFC compliant RTF to HTML parser.
rtf-to-html is available in Maven Central:
There are three versions of RTF to HTML for you to discover:
- RTF2HTMLConverterJEditorPane: A converter that invokes Swing's native RTF support
- RTF2HTMLConverterClassic: The orignal custom (regex-based) built converter with reasonable results
- RTF2HTMLConverterJEditorPane: The improved RFC-compliant parser with the most correct outcome
RTF2HTMLConverter converter = RTF2HTMLConverterJEditorPane.INSTANCE;
RTF2HTMLConverter converter = RTF2HTMLConverterClassic.INSTANCE;
RTF2HTMLConverter converter = RTF2HTMLConverterRFCCompliant.INSTANCE;
String html = converter.rtf2html("RTF text");
v1.0.0 (12-October-2019)
- Initial release