Code from the ECCV 2024 (Selected as an Oral) paper:
Animal Avatar: Reconstructing Animatable 3D Animals from Casual Videos.
Remy Sabathier1,2, Niloy J. Mitra2, David Novotny1,
1Meta London, 2University College London (UCL)
| Project Page | ArXiv | Code | ECCV Oral |
[12.08.2024] 🎉 AnimalAvatar is selected as an oral at ECCV 2024 ! Info here
[30.07.2024] Initial code release
[01.07.2024] 🎉 AnimalAvatar is accepted at ECCV 2024 !
The code was developed with python=3.10 | pytorch=2.0.1 | pytorch-cuda=11.8
Install the following libs:
Additional pip install:
pip install pandas sqlalchemy plotly hydra-core tensorboard lpips opencv-python imageio[ffmpeg]
Please download external_data/ and add the following files to "external_data/" folder:
Download SMAL model from "BITE: Beyond priors for improved three-D dog pose estimation":
Download Densepose model weight and configs:
- densepose_rcnn_R_50_FPN_soft_animals_I0_finetune_i2m_16k.yaml
- Base-DensePose-RCNN-FPN.yaml
- model_final_8c9d99.pkl
External data folder should look as follows:
├── external_data/
│ ├── cse/
│ │ ├── Base-DensePose-RCNN-FPN.yaml
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── densepose_rcnn_R_50_FPN_soft_animals_I0_finetune_i2m_16k.yaml
│ │ └── model_final_8c9d99.pkl
│ ├── init_pose/
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── lbos/
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── refined_masks/
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── smal/
│ │ ├── my_smpl_39dogsnorm_newv3_dog.pkl
│ │ └── symmetry_inds.json
│ ├── sparse_keypoints/
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── textures/
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
The project was developed for the CoP3D dataset. Follow instructions to download CoP3D.
In config/, manually enter the path where you store external data, and the path of the CoP3D dataset on your machine.
Before reconstructing a scene, you must preprocess the video sequence to extract a CSE map and a root orientation per frame.
#Example code to process the CoP3D sequence "1030_23106_17099"
python -sequence_index "1030_23106_17099" --visualize
A visualization of the processed CSE map and root orientation is saved in the preprocessing folder. For a subset of CoP3D scenes (list available in "config/"), we provide in external_data/ refined masks, init shape and sparse keypoints per frame.
The optimization framework SceneOptimizer propose a general framework to optimize the reconstruction of a scene given multiple modalities. Our implementation, aligned with AnimalAvatar, contains several losses available in scene_optim/losses_optim.
To launch the optimization on a CoP3D scene:
#Example code to optimize the CoP3D sequence "1030_23106_17099" and save it in folder experiments/
python 'exp.sequence_index="1030_23106_17099"' 'exp.experiment_folder="experiments"'
Parameters of the reconstruction are accessible in the config file config/config.yaml
To visualize reconstruction of a trained model:
python "path_of_the_reconstruction_folder"
AnimalAvatar scene-optimizer relies on the following inputs:
- Ground-truth RGB images
- Ground-truth masks
- Ground-truth cameras (intrinsics & extrinsics)
To launch AnimalAvatar on a custom video, fill CustomSingleVideo in data/ with your data, and launch AnimalAvatar with 'CUSTOM' dataset option:
# 1- Preprocess the custom scene (to get CSE map and root orientation per frame)
python -sequence_index "XXX_XXX_XXX" --custom --visualize
# 2- Launch the reconstruction
python 'exp.sequence_index="XXX_XXX_XXX"' 'exp.dataset_source="CUSTOM"' 'exp.l_optim_sparse_kp=0'
# 3- Visualize the reconstruction
python "path_of_the_custom_reconstruction_folder" --custom
- If your scene is missing cameras, we recommend using VGGSfM.
- If your scene is missing masks, we recommend using Segment-Anything
Code will be added to help through this process.
- Include Sparse-keypoint keypoint predictor from BITE
- Add CSE embedding refinement with Optical-Flow
See the LICENSE file for details about the license under which this code is made available.
author = {Sabathier, Remy and Mitra, Niloy J. and Novotny, David},
title = {Animal Avatars: Reconstructing Animatable 3D Animals from Casual Videos},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Computer Vision – ECCV 2024: 18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29–October 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part LXXIX},
pages = {270–287},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-72986-7_16}