- Build a server rendered full stack app using the Express framework.
- Use a PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve your data.
- Use the retrieved data to populate a Handlebars template for server-side rendering to be displayed on the front-end.
As a user I want to...
- Securely log in or sign up
- View suggested movies and see who has suggested the movie
- Add movie suggestions
- ‘Like’ movies and see how many likes a movie has
- View a description of a single movie on its own page
We conducted a technical spike (see below) in order to:
- Use promises throughout the application
- Implement session management using middleware
We decided to use pg-promise in order to get promises back from queries to your PostgresSQL database.
We also used cookie-session middleware for session management.
- Passing different levels of context to Handlebars eg:
{{#each movies}}
- How to pass context to partials eg:
{{> navbar this}}
- SQL ‘RETURNING ID’ in query
- Using promises (pg-promise module)
- Using cookie-session
- Populate the movie description through API calls to MovieDB
- Allow the user to comment on movie suggestions