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FashionTrade Component Library.

Components styleguide

How to use

yarn add @fashiontrade/wardrobe styled-components@3

Wrap you app in a ThemeProvider and pass Theme object imported from @fashiontrade/wardrobe

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import { Theme } from '@fashiontrade/wardrobe';
import App from './App';

  <ThemeProvider theme={Theme}>
    <App />

You can now use the wardrobe components:

import { Dialog } from '@fashiontrade/wardrobe';

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Dialog size="normal" open={true}>
    <Dialog.Header>Please select your profile</Dialog.Header>
    <Dialog.Body>Body text goes here</Dialog.Body>

export default MyComponent;

Supporting IE11

To make icons display correctly in IE11 we use svg4everybody. Add it in your app, if you need to support IE11 too.

Using what-input.

Some components use what-input-generated attributes to determine styling. To support this option in your project, follow these steps.

How to run

Workflow & conventions

Creating a new component:

Using the script

node scripts/generateComponent.js --name <ComponentName>


yarn generate-component -- --name <ComponentName>

This runs the script found in scripts/generateComponent.js. which will create all the files listed below.

  1. Create a folder with component name in src/components following the current naming conventions.
  2. Create the component JS file with the same name as the folder name .js.
  3. Create the component styles file with the same name as the folder .scss (following BEM conventions).
  4. Create the markdown file with the same name as the folder .md.
  5. Inside the markdown file (Built with Styleguidist)) create all possible states of the component, to illustrate how it is used and how it looks with different prop values.
  6. Finally export your component in src/components/index.js to be bundled in the index file.

Generating Tests:

After you have created your component and ensured that it looks good in the styleguide. run the follwing command

yarn generate-tests

This runs the script found in scripts/generateTests.js. which will generate snapshots tests found in src/components/ComponentName/ComponentName.spec.js. with some conditions:

Only single components in a code block will be captured (that means that siblings will be ignored).

Example (in your markdown file):

<MyComponent foo="bar" /> // will be captured and tests generated.
<MyComponent baz="cuz" /> // will be ignored

If the component is a child of another element it will also be ignored.


  <MyComponent foo="bar" /> // Entire block will be ignored

If the component is not inside a code block wrapper, it will be ignored


// inside a code block
<MyComponent /> // will be captured and tests generated.

// outside a code block
<MyComponent /> // will be ignored

Also you can use a special version of your component for Styleguide this way:


// with custom require
const MyComponentStyleguide = require('./MyComponentStyleguide').default;
<MyComponentStyleguide />; // will work

The name of the variable with required component should be <ComponenName>Styleguide.

You may need this feature in case your component, when used directly, breaks of blocks the Styleguide, e.g. Modal component.

Release process

  • Update the package version in the package.json file.
  • Open the changelog and update everything from the unreleased section to the new release version and date.
  • Commit your changes to master.
  • Go to the releases tab on Github and draft a new release.
  • Use the same tag version you added in the changelog (e.g 1.0.0).
  • Release title should be the tag prefixed with 'v' (e.g v1.0.0).
  • Copy what was Added/Changed/Fixed from the changelog and paste it in the description of the release.
  • Publish the release.
  • Go back to your terminal, run git pull and checkout the release tag (git checkout 1.0.0).
  • Publish the package to NPM registry: npm publish.


Apache 2.0


fashionTrade Component Library — Wardrobe



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