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Merge pull request #2190 from fable-compiler/nagareyama-type-test
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Bring back type test from Fable 2
  • Loading branch information
alfonsogarciacaro authored Oct 1, 2020
2 parents 7df9d89 + 05dd2be commit 5de7b69
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Showing 7 changed files with 113 additions and 144 deletions.
34 changes: 18 additions & 16 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/AST/AST.Babel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -482,22 +482,23 @@ type IfStatement(test, consequent, ?alternate, ?loc) =
interface Statement with
member _.Print(printer) =
match test, alternate with
| :? BooleanLiteral as b, _ when b.Value ->
| :? BooleanLiteral as b, Some(:? BlockStatement as alternate) when not b.Value ->
| _ ->
printer.Print("if (", ?loc=loc)
printer.Print(") ")
// TODO: Remove else clauses if they become empty after removing null statements (see PrintBlock)
printer.PrintOptional((if printer.Column > 0 then " else " else "else "), alternate)
// If the consequent/alternate is a block
// a new line should already be printed
if printer.Column > 0 then
printer.Print("if (", ?loc=loc)
printer.Print(") ")
match alternate with
| None -> ()
| Some alternate ->
if printer.Column > 0 then printer.Print(" ")
printer.Print("else ")
match alternate with
| :? IfStatement
// TODO: Get productive statements and skip else if they're empty
| :? BlockStatement -> printer.Print(alternate)
// Make sure alternate is always printed as block
| _ -> printer.PrintBlock([|alternate|])
if printer.Column > 0 then

/// A case (if test is an Expression) or default (if test === null) clause in the body of a switch statement.
type SwitchCase(consequent, ?test, ?loc) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ type ConditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate, ?loc) =
member _.Print(printer) =
match test with
// TODO: Move this optimization to Fable2Babel as with IfStatement?
| :? BooleanLiteral as b ->
if b.Value then printer.Print(consequent)
else printer.Print(alternate)
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143 changes: 71 additions & 72 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/Fable2Babel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,61 +247,66 @@ module Reflection =
let private ofString s = StringLiteral s :> Expression
let private ofArray babelExprs = ArrayExpression(List.toArray babelExprs) :> Expression

let rec private toTypeTester com ctx r = function
| Fable.Regex -> Identifier "RegExp" :> Expression
| Fable.MetaType -> libValue com ctx "Reflection" "TypeInfo"
| Fable.LambdaType _ | Fable.DelegateType _ -> ofString "function"
| Fable.AnonymousRecordType _ -> ofString "unknown" // Recognize shape? (it's possible in F#)
| Fable.Any -> ofString "any"
| Fable.Unit -> ofString "undefined"
| Fable.Boolean -> ofString "boolean"
| Fable.Char
| Fable.String -> ofString "string"
| Fable.Number _ -> ofString "number"
| Fable.Enum _ -> ofString "number"
| Fable.Option t -> ofArray [ofString "option"; toTypeTester com ctx r t]
| Fable.Array t -> ofArray [ofString "array"; toTypeTester com ctx r t]
| Fable.List t -> ofArray [ofString "list"; toTypeTester com ctx r t]
| Fable.Tuple genArgs ->
let genArgs = (toTypeTester com ctx r) genArgs
ofArray [ofString "tuple"; ofArray genArgs]
| Fable.GenericParam name ->
sprintf "Cannot resolve generic param %s for type testing, evals to true" name |> addWarning com [] r
ofString "any"
| Fable.DeclaredType(ent, _) when ent.IsInterface ->
"Cannot type test interfaces, evals to false" |> addWarning com [] r
ofString "unknown"
| Fable.DeclaredType(ent, genArgs) ->
match tryJsConstructor com ctx ent with
| Some cons ->
if not(List.isEmpty genArgs) then
"Generic args are ignored in type testing" |> addWarning com [] r
| None ->
sprintf "Cannot type test %s, evals to false" ent.FullName |> addWarning com [] r
ofString "unknown"
let transformTypeTest (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx range expr (typ: Fable.Type): Expression =
let warnAndEvalToFalse msg =
"Cannot type test (evals to false): " + msg
|> addWarning com [] range
BooleanLiteral false :> Expression

let transformTypeTest (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx range (expr': Fable.Expr) (typ: Fable.Type): Expression =
let (|EntityFullName|) (e: Fable.Entity) = e.FullName
let jsTypeof (primitiveType: string) (Util.TransformExpr com ctx expr): Expression =
let typeof = UnaryExpression(UnaryTypeof, expr)
upcast BinaryExpression(BinaryEqualStrict, typeof, StringLiteral primitiveType, ?loc=range)

let expr = com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr')
match typ with
// Special cases
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntityFullName Types.idisposable, _) ->
match expr' with
| MaybeCasted(ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType(ent2, _))) when FSharp2Fable.Util.hasInterface Types.idisposable ent2 ->
upcast BooleanLiteral true
| _ -> libCall com ctx None "Util" "isDisposable" [|expr|]
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntityFullName Types.ienumerable, _) ->
libCall com ctx None "Util" "isIterable" [|expr|]
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntityFullName Types.array, _) -> // Untyped array
libCall com ctx None "Util" "isArrayLike" [|expr|]
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntityFullName Types.exception_, _) ->
libCall com ctx None "Types" "isException" [|expr|]
| _ ->
let typeTester = toTypeTester com ctx range typ
libCall com ctx range "Reflection" "typeTest" [|expr; typeTester|]
let jsInstanceof consExpr (Util.TransformExpr com ctx expr): Expression =
upcast BinaryExpression(BinaryInstanceOf, expr, consExpr, ?loc=range)

match typ with
| Fable.Any -> upcast BooleanLiteral true
| Fable.Unit -> upcast BinaryExpression(BinaryEqual, com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr), Util.undefined None, ?loc=range)
| Fable.Boolean -> jsTypeof "boolean" expr
| Fable.Char | Fable.String _ -> jsTypeof "string" expr
| Fable.Number _ | Fable.Enum _ -> jsTypeof "number" expr
| Fable.Regex -> jsInstanceof (Identifier "RegExp") expr
| Fable.LambdaType _ | Fable.DelegateType _ -> jsTypeof "function" expr
| Fable.Array _ | Fable.Tuple _ ->
libCall com ctx None "Util" "isArrayLike" [|com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr)|]
| Fable.List _ ->
jsInstanceof (libValue com ctx "Types" "List") expr
| Fable.AnonymousRecordType _ ->
warnAndEvalToFalse "anonymous records"
| Fable.MetaType ->
jsInstanceof (libValue com ctx "Reflection" "TypeInfo") expr
| Fable.Option _ -> warnAndEvalToFalse "options" // TODO
| Fable.GenericParam _ -> warnAndEvalToFalse "generic parameters"
| Fable.DeclaredType (ent, genArgs) ->
match ent.FullName with
| Types.idisposable ->
match expr with
| MaybeCasted(ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType (ent2, _)))
when FSharp2Fable.Util.hasInterface Types.idisposable ent2 ->
upcast BooleanLiteral true
| _ -> libCall com ctx None "Util" "isDisposable" [|com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr)|]
| Types.ienumerable ->
[|com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr)|]
|> libCall com ctx None "Util" "isIterable"
| Types.array ->
[|com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr)|]
|> libCall com ctx None "Util" "isArrayLike"
| Types.exception_ ->
[|com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, expr)|]
|> libCall com ctx None "Types" "isException"
| _ when ent.IsInterface ->
warnAndEvalToFalse "interfaces"
| _ ->
match tryJsConstructor com ctx ent with
| Some cons ->
// TODO: Emit warning only once per file?
if not(List.isEmpty genArgs) then
"Generic args are ignored in type testing"
|> addWarning com [] range
jsInstanceof cons expr
| None ->
warnAndEvalToFalse ent.FullName

// TODO: I'm trying to tell apart the code to generate annotations, but it's not a very clear distinction
// as there are many dependencies from/to the Util module below
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1119,20 +1124,19 @@ module Util =
[|TryStatement(transformBlock com ctx returnStrategy body,
?handler=handler, ?finalizer=finalizer, ?loc=r) :> Statement|]

// Even if IfStatement doesn't enforce it, compile both branches as blocks
// to prevent conflict (e.g. `then` doesn't become a block while `else` does)
let rec transformIfStatement (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx r ret (guardExpr: Expression) thenStmnt elseStmnt =
let thenStmnt = transformBlock com ctx ret thenStmnt
match elseStmnt: Fable.Expr with
| Fable.IfThenElse(TransformExpr com ctx guardExpr', thenStmnt', elseStmnt', r2) ->
let elseStmnt = transformIfStatement com ctx r2 ret guardExpr' thenStmnt' elseStmnt'
IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, elseStmnt, ?loc=r)
| expr ->
match com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, ret, expr) with
| [||] -> IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, ?loc=r)
| [|:? ExpressionStatement as e|] when (e.Expression :? NullLiteral) ->
IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, ?loc=r)
| statements -> IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, BlockStatement statements, ?loc=r)
let rec transformIfStatement (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx r ret guardExpr thenStmnt elseStmnt =
match com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, guardExpr) with
| :? BooleanLiteral as b when b.Value ->
com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, ret, thenStmnt)
| :? BooleanLiteral as b when not b.Value ->
com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, ret, elseStmnt)
| guardExpr ->
let thenStmnt = transformBlock com ctx ret thenStmnt
match com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, ret, elseStmnt) with
| [||] -> IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, ?loc=r) :> Statement
| [|elseStmnt|] -> IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, elseStmnt, ?loc=r) :> Statement
| statements -> IfStatement(guardExpr, thenStmnt, BlockStatement statements, ?loc=r) :> Statement
|> Array.singleton

let transformGet (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx range typ fableExpr (getKind: Fable.GetKind) =
match getKind with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1579,8 +1583,6 @@ module Util =
| Some(Fable.FieldKey fi) -> get None expr fi.Name |> Assign
com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, Some ret, value)

// Even if IfStatement doesn't enforce it, compile both branches as blocks
// to prevent conflicts (e.g. `then` doesn't become a block while `else` does)
| Fable.IfThenElse(guardExpr, thenExpr, elseExpr, r) ->
let asStatement =
match returnStrategy with
Expand All @@ -1591,10 +1593,7 @@ module Util =
Option.isSome ctx.TailCallOpportunity
|| (isJsStatement ctx false thenExpr) || (isJsStatement ctx false elseExpr)
if asStatement then
match com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, guardExpr) with
// In some situations (like some type tests) the condition may be always true
| :? BooleanLiteral as e when e.Value -> com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, returnStrategy, thenExpr)
| guardExpr -> [|transformIfStatement com ctx r returnStrategy guardExpr thenExpr elseExpr :> Statement|]
transformIfStatement com ctx r returnStrategy guardExpr thenExpr elseExpr
let guardExpr' = transformAsExpr com ctx guardExpr
let thenExpr' = transformAsExpr com ctx thenExpr
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/Replacements.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,8 +223,6 @@ let (|ReplaceName|_|) (namesAndReplacements: (string*string) list) name =
namesAndReplacements |> List.tryPick (fun (name2, replacement) ->
if name2 = name then Some replacement else None)

let inline (|ExprType|) (e: Expr) = e.Type

let (|OrDefault|) (def:'T) = function
| Some v -> v
| None -> def
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/fable-library/BigInt.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module BigInt.Exports

type bigint = BigInt.BigInteger

let isBigInt (x: obj) = x :? bigint

let tryParse str res =
res := bigint.Parse str
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52 changes: 2 additions & 50 deletions src/fable-library/Reflection.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { value as getOptionValue } from "./Option.js";
import { FSharpRef, List } from "./Types.js";
import { compareArraysWith, equalArraysWith, isArrayLike, isUnionLike } from "./Util.js";
import { FSharpRef } from "./Types.js";
import { compareArraysWith, equalArraysWith, isUnionLike } from "./Util.js";

export type FieldInfo = [string, TypeInfo];
export type PropertyInfo = FieldInfo;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,50 +416,3 @@ export function getCaseFields(x: any): any[] {
return x.fields;

type TypeTester =
| "any"
| "unknown"
| "undefined"
| "function"
| "boolean"
| "number"
| "string"
| ["tuple", TypeTester[]]
| ["array", TypeTester | undefined]
| ["list", TypeTester]
| ["option", TypeTester]
| FunctionConstructor

export function typeTest(x: any, typeTester: TypeTester): boolean {
if (typeof typeTester === "string") {
if (typeTester === "any") {
return true;
} else if (typeTester === "unknown") {
return false;
} else {
return typeof x === typeTester;
} else if (Array.isArray(typeTester)) {
switch (typeTester[0]) {
case "tuple":
return Array.isArray(x)
&& x.length === typeTester[1].length
&& x.every((x, i) => typeTest(x, typeTester[1][i]));
case "array":
return isArrayLike(x)
&& (x.length === 0
|| typeTester[1] == null
|| typeTest(x[0], typeTester[1]));
case "list":
return x instanceof List
&& (x.tail == null || typeTest(x.head, typeTester[1]));
case "option":
return x == null || typeTest(getOptionValue(x), typeTester[1]);
return false
} else {
return x instanceof typeTester;
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/quicktest/QuickTest.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,3 +66,20 @@ let measureTime (f: unit -> unit) = emitJsStatement () """
// to Fable.Tests project. For example:
// testCase "Addition works" <| fun () ->
// 2 + 2 |> equal 4

let test (exn: exn) =
match exn with
| :? System.NotSupportedException -> ()
| :? System.SystemException -> ()
| Failure _ -> raise exn
| _ -> ()

let test2 () =
printfn "foo"
if 3 > 2 then
elif false then

7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions tests/Main/TypeTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -454,8 +454,7 @@ let tests =
| :? bool -> "boolean"
| :? unit -> "unit"
| :? System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex -> "RegExp"
| :? (int[]) -> "int array"
| :? (string[]) -> "string array"
| :? (int[]) | :? (string[]) -> "Array"
| _ -> "unknown"
"A" :> obj |> test |> equal "string"
3. :> obj |> test |> equal "number"
Expand All @@ -464,8 +463,8 @@ let tests =
// Workaround to make sure Fable is passing the argument
let a = () :> obj in test a |> equal "unit"
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(".") :> obj |> test |> equal "RegExp"
[|"A"|] :> obj |> test |> equal "string array"
[|1;2|] :> obj |> test |> equal "int array"
[|"A"|] :> obj |> test |> equal "Array"
[|1;2|] :> obj |> test |> equal "Array"

testCase "Type test with Date" <| fun () ->
let isDate (x: obj) =
Expand Down

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