Project of the course "Knowledge and Data Integration at the University of Trento - A.Y. 2019-2020
This respository contains the material of the project course of "Knowledge and data integration". The goal of the project was the definition of a formal model and the integration of data about transportation in Trentino. The team manager of this group is Fabio Molignoni. The work on this project has been done by two different sub-groups:
informal to formal sub-group
The informal to formal group created the informal model (which was developed using yEd) and the formal model (which was developed using Protégé). The contribution of each member of the group is defined inside the "Revision History" section of the technical report. In general, even if the technical report has been written by a single person, all the members contributed anyway to the final output of that section.
Name | Matricola | |
Bogdan Kostić | 211827 | [email protected] |
Evidence Monday | 204729 | [email protected] |
Andrea Montibeller | 203264 | [email protected] |
data integration
The data integration group retrieved all the data (both by downloading and scraping them), cleaned them (using RapidMiner) and performed the integration (using Karma). The final visualization has been done using GraphDB. The contribution done by each member of the group can be found in the "Revision History" section of the technical report and in the commits history of this repository.
Name | Matricola | |
Federico Calabrese | 207463 | [email protected] |
Giacomo Callegari | 207468 | [email protected] |
Fabio Molignoni | 203201 | [email protected] |
The repository is organized in this way:
- /data contains all the data that has been used during the integration. There are two subfolders: "raw data" contains the original downloaded/scraped CSVs, while "processed data" contains the final cleaned data that have been used to perform the integration.
- /formal-model contains the output of Protégé, i.e. the final OWL formal model attached to the top level ontology.
- /informal-model contains the PDF representation of the informal model, along with the source code of yEd that can be used to modify it.
- /models contains all the resources used to perform operations on data. *"r2rml" contains all the models used to perform the integration on Karma, "rapidminer" contains all the RapidMiner's processes used to transform raw data into processed data. "scripts" contains all the Python scripts that have been used throughout the project.
In the root folder there is also the technical report, which describes in detail all the work performed throughout the project.
Due to the size of the knowledge graph it was not possible to load it directly on GitHub. For this reason, you can download the complete linked data at . We also provide the RDF/XML version here:
As said, inside the data/raw data there are all the raw data needed for the integration, also the one obtained through scraping. Anyway, in the models/scripts folder there are all the scripts that can be used to perform again the scraping:
receives as input the OpenStreetMap data about Trentino (downloadable from here ( and produces as output the CSV for the
allows to get all the trains from ViaggiaTreno
allows to retrieve additional information for each train from ViaggiaTreno
allows to extract information about the delay from the ViaggiareInTrentino
is a small scripts that allows to convert json-formatted datasets into CSVs.
Some of the raw data has to be cleaned, merged and processed in order to comply with the format required by Karma. The final data that has been used for the integration can be found inside the folder data/processed data. For completeness, we describe anyway the process to generate, from the raw data, the final processed one. First of all, some additional computation has to be done:
requires as argument the name of the input CSV and requires that, inside the CSV, there are two columns named "latitude" and "longitude". Thi scripts adds an extra column, called "address", which represent the textual address of the location. This script has to be called for each dataset that contains a physical
allows to compute the average delay for each bus. It expects as input a folder, which contains several CSV: each CSV stores the delay of a particular day computed through
Once this additional data has been computed, it is possible to start working with RapidMiner. All the RapidMiner processes are stored inside the folder models/rapidminer. In order to produce the final datasets, you have to run each RapidMiner file.
The final step is to perform the actual integration through Karma. For each dataset in the processed data folder there is the appropriate model stored inside the folder models/r2rml. For example, for the dataset bike_sharing.csv
there is the model bike_sharing-model.ttl
. Once all the datasets have been imported and integrated with the corresponding model it is possible to generate the final knowledge graph using OpenRDF.