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Nx Meta Platform Open Source Components

// Copyright 2018-present Network Optix, Inc. Licensed under MPL 2.0:


This repository nx_open contains Network Optix Meta Platform open source components - the source code and specifications which are used to build all Powered-by-Nx products including Nx Witness Video Management System (VMS).

Currently, the main VMS component which can be built from this repository is the Desktop Client. Other notable Components which are parts of the Desktop Client, but can be useful independently, include the Nx Kit library (artifacts/nx_kit/) - see its for details.

Most of the source code and other files are licensed under the terms of Mozilla Public License 2.0 (unless specified otherwise in the files) which can be found in the file in the licenses/ directory in the root directory of the repository.

Contribution policy

At this moment, Network Optix is not able to process any pull/merge requests to this repository. It is likely that a policy for contributions will be developed and offered in the future.

Build environment

Currently the following target platforms and architectures are supported by this repository:

  • Windows x64 (Microsoft Visual Studio).
  • Linux x64 (GCC or Clang).
  • Linux 64-bit ARM (cross-compiling on Linux x64, GCC or Clang).
  • Linux 32-bit ARM (cross-compiling on Linux x64, GCC or Clang).
  • MacOS (Xcode with Clang).

NOTE: Certain components in this repository can be built using more platforms and compilers, e.g. the Nx Kit library (artifacts/nx_kit/).

Windows host: this guide implies Windows 10 x64 - other versions may require some adaptation. The build can be triggered from the command line of cmd, MinGW (Git Bash), or Cygwin.

Linux host: this guide implies Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 - other flavors/versions may require some adaptation.

MacOS host: the build is tested on macOS Monterey version 12.6.3 and Xcode Command Line Tools 14.2 - older versions may work but may require some adaptation.

Pre-requisites needed to build all of the Components (the details on installing are given below):

  • Python 3.8 (newer versions may work but may require some adaptation).
  • CMake 3.20+.
  • Ninja.
  • Conan 1.46.x.
  • Linux: Certain packages for the build dependencies.
  • Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, Community Edition.
    • NOTE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 can also be used to build the repository branches vms_5.0, vms_5.0_patch and vms_5.1, but its support may be dropped in further branches like vms_5.1_patch and master.
  • MacOS: Xcode Command Line Tools 14.2+, Homebrew 3.6.20+.


Python 3.8+ should be installed and available on PATH as python, and for macOS and Ubuntu also as python3. A possible installation procedure is described below.

  • Windows:

    • Disable the Python alias that opens Microsoft Store: go to "Start" -> "Manage app execution aliases" and disable all python-related aliases for App Installer (python.exe and python3.exe).
    • Download the Python installer from python-3.8.10.
    • In the installer, select "Add Python 3.8 to PATH". Note that the component "tcl/tk and IDLE" is not required.
    • It is recommended to activate "Disable path length limit" option at the end of the installer.
  • Linux:

    • Ubuntu 18: The default version of Python in the Ubuntu 18 distribution is python3.6 (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS), so it is necessary to upgrade it - some tricks are required. Perform the following steps to install the required Python version and configure it:

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install python3.8 python3-pip -y
      sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 100
      sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 100
      sudo python -m pip install pip --upgrade
      find /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages -name "*apt_*.cpython-3?m*" -exec sh -c \
          "new_name=\$(echo {} | cut -d. -f1); sudo ln -s {} \${new_name}.so" \;
    • Ubuntu 20: Make python command equivalent to python3:

      sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 100
    • If you have Python 2 installed on your machine and you need it for some reason, you can run sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 10 and then switch between Python 3 and Python 2 by running sudo update-alternatives --config python and selecting the appropriate version of Python. Same for the older version of Python3 - you can add it using sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python<your_old_version> 10.

  • MacOS:

    • Install Homebrew:
      /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Install and configure Python 3 using pyenv:
      brew install pyenv
      pyenv install 3.8
      pyenv global 3.8
      echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >>~/.zshrc
      eval "$(pyenv init -)"

CMake, Ninja, and Conan

The file requirements.txt in the root directory of this repository lists all the Python packages that are necessary for the build, including pre-packaged CMake, Ninja and Conan. To install them, check out the master branch (its requirements.txt is guaranteed to list the proper packages to build any currently supported repository branches), and run the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Here are the hints for the correct installation on different platforms:

  • Windows:
    • For the correct installation, pip must be run with Administrator privileges: find the Command Prompt in the Start menu, right-click it and choose "Run as administrator" from the menu.
    • ATTENTION: If you use Cygwin, make sure the Cygwin's cmake is not on PATH.
  • Linux:
    • pip installs the binaries to ~/.local/bin/, so make sure this directory is on PATH.

Alternatively to using requirements.txt, you may install CMake and Ninja manually (just make sure they appear on PATH) and install the pyaml and conan Python packages:

python -m pip install pyaml conan==1.46.2

On macOS you also need dmgbuild package:

python -m install dmgbuild==1.3.2

On Windows, CMake and Ninja which come with Microsoft Visual Studio are suitable.

Conan cache

The VMS build system is configured in such a way that Conan stores the downloaded artifacts in the .conan/ directory in the build directory. To avoid re-downloading all the artifacts from the internet for every clean build, set the environment variable NX_CONAN_DOWNLOAD_CACHE to the full path of a directory that will be used as a transparent download cache; for example, create the directory conan_cache/ next to the repository root and the build directories.

Build tools

  • Windows: Install Visual Studio, Community Edition and make sure that the following components are selected:

    • "The Workload" -> "Desktop development with C++"
    • "Individual components" -> "C++ CMake tools for Windows"
  • Linux:

    • NOTE: The compiler is downloaded as a Conan artifact during the CMake Generation stage - compilers installed in the Linux system (if any) are not used.
    • Install the following build and runtime dependencies:
      sudo apt install -y \
          chrpath libtinfo5 zlib1g-dev libopenal-dev mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libtool \
          libglu1-mesa-dev libldap2-dev libxfixes-dev libxss-dev libgstreamer1.0-0 p7zip-full \
          libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 libxslt1.1 pkg-config autoconf libxcb-xinerama0 \
          libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev
  • MacOS:

    • Install Homebrew if it is not installed yet (see the description in Python section).
    • Install the following build and runtime dependencies:
      brew install zlib-ng openal-soft mesa mesa-glu mesalib-glw openldap libxfixes \
        libxscrnsaver gstreamer gst-plugins-base libxslt pkgconf
    • NOTE: Xcode Command Line Tools package is installed automatically together with Homebrew.

Using CMake

We recommend doing out-of-source builds with CMake – the source code folder (VCS folder) remains intact, and all build results go into a dedicated folder. E.g. sources are in nx_open/, the build goes to nx_open-build/.

With CMake, building is done in two stages:

  • Generation stage: performed by cmake.
  • Build stage: performed by a build tool chosen at the Generation stage - we use ninja for both Linux and Windows platforms. Can be also invoked via the CMake executable.

After the generation is performed once, further building attempts are performed invoking the chosen build tool - no need to manually invoke the Generation stage again, because the generated rules for the build tool include calling CMake Generation stage when necessary, e.g. when the CMake or source files change. Thus, generally, invoking the Generation stage should be done only once - after the initial cloning of the repository.

Under the hood

During the Build stage the following things happen:

  1. Pre-build actions are executed. The script reads the file pre_build.ninja_tool in the build directory and executes the commands from this file. The exact command list depends on the build platform and generation options and can include:
    • Cleaning the build directory from the files which are no longer built.
    • Patching file (changing dependencies, adding new commands, etc.).
    • Scanning for third-party package changes and fetching the new versions of the packages.
    • Other preliminary actions.
  2. The build itself. Ninja reads its configuration files ( and which can be patched by, and builds the project. In some cases (new source files, package updates, etc.) for the correct build the project needs to be re-generated. If such need arises, ninja will run cmake to perform the Generation stage and then return to the Build stage again.

Building VMS Desktop Client

The Client uses in its GUI a collection of texts and graphics called a Customization Package; it defines the branding of the VMS. The Customization Package comes as a zip file. A default one is taken from Conan - the Client will be branded as Nx Meta and will show placeholders for such traits as the company name, web site and End-User License Agreement text. If you want to define these traits, create a "Custom Client" entity on the Nx Meta Developer Portal and download the generated Customization Package zip at Customization Packages with branding other than Nx Meta can be available there as well.

All the commands necessary to perform the CMake Configuration and Build stages are written in the scripts (for Linux and MacOS) and build.bat (for Windows) located in the repository root. Please treat these scripts as a quick start aid, study their source, and feel free to use your favorite C++ development workflow instead.

The scripts create/use the build directory as a sibling to the repository root directory, having added the -build suffix. Here we assume the repository root is nx_open/, so the build directory will be nx_open-build/.

When running the scripts with the build directory absent, they create it, perform the CMake Generation stage (which creates CMakeCache.txt in the build directory), and then perform the Build stage. The same takes place when the build directory exists but CMakeCache.txt in it is absent. When running the scripts with CMakeCache.txt in the build directory present, they only perform the Build stage, and the script arguments are ignored (they are intended to be passed only to the Generation stage).

ATTENTION: If the generation fails for any reason, remove CMakeCache.txt manually before the next attempt of running the build script.

Below are the usage examples, where <build> is ./ for Linux and macOS, and build.bat for Windows.

  • To make a clean Debug build, delete the build directory (if any), and run the command:


    The built executables will be placed in nx_open-build/bin/.

  • To make a clean Release build with the distribution package and unit test archive, delete the build directory (if any), and run the command:

    <build> -DdeveloperBuild=OFF

    The built distribution packages and unit test archive will be placed in nx_open-build/distrib/. To run the unit tests, unpack the unit test archive and run all the executables in it either one-by-one, or in parallel.

  • To use the obtained Customization Package rather than the default one coming from Conan (Nx-Meta-branded with placeholders), add the following arguments to the <build> script:

    -DcustomizationPackageFile=<> [-Dcustomization=<customization_id>]

    The value of <customization_id> can be obtained from the "id": "<customization_id>" line of description.json inside the Customization Package zip file, and can be omitted for Nx-Meta-branded Customization Packages (their <customization_id> is metavms).

  • To perform an incremental build after some changes, run the <build> script without arguments.

    • Note that there is no need to explicitly call the generation stage after adding/deleting source files or altering the build system files, because properly handles such cases - the generation stage will be called automatically when needed.

ATTENTION: On Windows, you can use a regular cmd console, because build.bat calls the vcvars64.bat which comes with the Visual Studio and properly sets PATH and other environment variables to enable using the 64-bit compiler and linker. If you don't use build.bat, you may call vcvars64.bat from your console, or use the console available from the Start menu as VS2022 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. Do not use the Visual Studio Command Prompt available from the Visual Studio main menu, because it sets up the environment for the 32-bit compiler and linker.

For cross-compiling on Linux or MacOS, set the CMake variable <targetDevice>: add the argument -DtargetDevice=<value>, where is one of the following:

  • linux_x64
  • linux_arm64
  • linux_arm32
  • macos_x64
  • macos_arm64

Signing executable files

  • Windows:

    There is an option of signing the built executables (including the distribution file itself) with the software publisher certificate. To perform it, a valid certificate file in the PKCS#12 format is needed.

    Signing is performed by the script which is a wrapper around native Windows signtool.exe. To enable signing, the following preparation steps must be done:

    • Save the publisher certificate file somewhere in your file system.

    • Create (preferably outside of the source tree) the configuration file. This file must contain the following fields:

      • file: the path to the publisher certificate file. It must be either an absolute path or a path relative to the directory where the configuration file resides.
      • password: the password protecting the publisher certificate file.
      • timestamp_servers (optional): a list of the URLs of the trusted timestamping server. If this field is present in the configuration file, the signed file will be time-stamped using one of the listed servers. If this field is absent, the signed file will not be time-stamped.

      The example of a configuration file can be found in open/build_utils/signtool/config/config.yaml.

    • Add a CMake argument -DsigntoolConfig=<configuration_file_path> to the generation stage. If this argument is missing, no signing will be performed.

    Also you can sign any file manually by calling directly: python build_utils/signtool/ --config <configuration_file> --file <unsigned_file> --output <signed_file>

    To test the signing procedure, you can use a self-signed certificate. To generate such certificate, you can use the file open/build_utils/signtool/genkey/genkey_signtool.bat. When run, it creates the certificate.p12 file and a couple of auxillary *.pem files in the same directory where it is run. We recommend to move these files outside of the source directory to maintain the out-of-source build concept.

  • Linux:

    Signing is not required; no tools or instructions are provided.

  • MacOS:

    A signing tool suitable for standalone use is being developed and will likely be provided in the future. As for now, you can use your regular signing procedure that you involve for your other MacOS developments.

Running VMS Desktop Client

The VMS Desktop Client can be run directly from the build directory, without installing a distribution package.

After the successful build, the Desktop Client executable is located in nx_open-build/bin/; its name may depend on the Customization Package.

For Linux and MacOS, just run the Desktop Client executable.

For Windows, before running the Desktop Client executable or any other executable built, run the following script (generated by Conan during the build) in the console, which properly sets PATH and some other environment variables:


To restore the original variable values including PATH, you may run the following script:


Compatible VMS Server versions

The Desktop Client built from the open-source repository can only connect to a compatible VMS Server. Because the VMS Server sources are not publicly available, such Server can only be obtained from any public VMS release, including the official VMS releases, and the regular preview releases called Nx Meta VMS.

For any given public VMS release, the compatibility is guaranteed only for the Client built from the same commit as the Server. The particular commit can be identified in the repository by its git tag. The public release tags look like vms/4.2/12345_release_all or vms/5.0/34567_beta_meta_R2.

Clients built from further commits in the same branch may retain compatibility with the publicly released Server for a while, but at some point may lose the compatibility because of some changes introduced synchronously into the Client and the Server parts of the source code. Thus, it is recommended to base the Client modification branches from tagged commits corresponding to the public releases, including Nx Meta VMS releases, and rebase them as soon as next public release from this branch is available.

ATTENTION: Besides having the compatible code, to be able to work together, the Client and the Server have to use Customization Packages with the same <customization_id> value.

During the Generation stage, the build system tries to determine the compatible Server version checking the git tags. It searches for the first commit common for the current branch and one of the "protected" branches (corresponding to stable VMS versions), and checks if it has a "release" tag of the form "vms/#.#/#####_...". If no such tag is found, the build number is set to 0 and a warning is produced, otherwise the build number is extracted from the tag. To bypass this algorithm, pass "-DbuildNumber=<custom_build_number>" to cmake; to get back to it, make a clean build or pass -DbuildNumber=AUTO.

Automatic VMS updates

The VMS product includes a comprehensive auto-update support, but this feature is turned off for the open-source Desktop Client, because it would simply re-write a custom-built Desktop Client with the new version of the Desktop Client built by Nx. Note that the VMS admin still can force such an automatic update, with the mentioned consequences.

Technically it is possible to specify a custom Update server in the VMS Server settings, deploy a custom Update server, and prepare the update packages and meta-information according to the VMS standard, so that the automatic updates will work with a custom VMS built from open source. In the future, instructions and/or tools for this will likely be provided.

Building and debugging in Visual Studio

On Windows, besides the command-line way described above, you can use the Visual Studio IDE to build and debug the Client.

The build configurations (Debug, Release and the like) used by the IDE are defined in the file CMakeSettings.json in the repository root directory. If absent, this file is created during the Generation stage. It defines a build directory name for each build configuration, and a path to cmake.exe - if you installed CMake manually, write its path to the cmakeExecutable parameter.

Open Visual Studio, select "Open a local folder" and choose the repository root folder. Alternatively, run devenv.exe (Visual Studio IDE executable) supplying the repository root directory as an argument.

Right after opening the directory, Visual Studio will start the CMake generation stage using the default build configuration - Debug (minimal). If you need another build configuration, select it in the Visual Studio main toolbar - the CMake generation stage will be started immediately, and the build directory from the previously selected build configuration can be deleted manually.

When performing the Generation for the first time, it will fail because the required CMake argument -DcustomizationPackageFile=... will not be passed. After the error, open "Manage Configurations..." in the configuration drop-down box in the Visual Studio toolbar, and add this argument to the "CMake command arguments:" field in the "Command arguments" section.

If you don't need advanced debugging features, you may choose one of the Release configurations - the basics of visual debugging like breakpoints and step-by-step execution will work anyway in most cases, and the build time and disk usage will be noticeably lower than with a Debug configuration.

After successfully finishing the CMake Generation stage, open the "Solution Explorer" side window, click the "Switch between solutions and available views" toolbar button at the top of this side window (looking like a document icon with a Visual Studio logo on it), and in the tree below double-click the "CMake Targets View". The CMake Generation stage will be run again, and when finished, the tree of CMake targets will appear - watch the "Output" window for the Generation stage progress.

To build the solution, right-click on "vms Project" in "Solution Explorer" and select "Build All". Alternatively, build only the required project of the solution, for example, right-click on "desktop_client" and select "Build".


To be able to run and debug the built Desktop Client from the IDE, the file launch.vs.json must be created in the .vs/ directory which Visual Studio creates in the source (repository root) directory. The first run of the CMake Generation stage checks if .vs/ directory already exists and creates launch.vs.json file if it is not the case.

Also it is necessary to specify the actual path to the Qt library binaries in the file CMakeSettings.json in the repository root directory. This is also done automatically by CMake during the Generation stage.

If all the above steps are performed correctly, you can right-click the required executable, e.g. "desktop_client", in the "CMake Targets View" of the "Solution Explorer" side window, and select either "Debug" to run it immediately, or "Set As Startup Item" to allow running it using the green triangle ("play") icon in the toolbar at the top of the main Visual Studio window.

Free and Open-Source Software Notices

The Network Optix VMS Open Source Components software incorporates, depends upon, interacts with, or was developed using a number of free and open-source software components. The full list of such components can be found at OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE DISCLOSURE. Please see the linked component websites for additional licensing, dependency, and use information, as well as the component source code.


NX Meta Repository






No packages published


  • C++ 92.4%
  • QML 2.4%
  • C 2.0%
  • Python 1.2%
  • CMake 0.7%
  • TeX 0.5%
  • Other 0.8%