sync PokemonShowdown's team with your webdav
title: Sync (manual click)
flowchart LR
local1[Teams on PS]
remote1[WebDav: /team.txt]
local1 -- Backup Button --> remote1
remote1 -- Restore Button --> local1
title: Archive (manual click)
flowchart LR
local1[One Team on PS]
remote1[WebDav: /arch.txt]
local1 -- Archive Button --> remote1
remote1 -- Unarchive Button --> local1
%%{init: { "sequence": { "mirrorActors":false }}}%%
Extension->>PS: {command: load team}
PS-->>Extension: data: teams info!
destroy PS
create participant WebDav
Extension->>WebDav: Save the data
Similar to the sync part
npm run build:web
output: {
environment: { module: false },
library: { type: "window", name: 'WebDAV' }