The python version of zpp serializer, to be found here:
This is a simple python 2.7/3+ script that is compatible with the aforementioned C++ serialization framework above. For more info, please read the description there.
This example is similar to the C++ example you can find at the link above, essentially allowing the C++ version to communicate with the python version and vice versa. Note: the examples are written in python 2.7.
import sys
import zpp_serializer
class Point(object):
x = zpp_serializer.Int32
y = zpp_serializer.Int32
class Person(object):
name = zpp_serializer.String
def print_me(self):
print "person: " + str(
class Student(Person):
university = zpp_serializer.String
def print_me(self):
print "student: " + str( + ' ' + str(
def foobar():
data = bytearray()
inp = zpp_serializer.MemoryInputArchive(data)
out = zpp_serializer.MemoryOutputArchive(data)
out(Point(x=1337, y=1338))
my_point = Point()
print "%s %s" % (my_point.x, my_point.y)
def foo():
data = bytearray()
inp = zpp_serializer.MemoryInputArchive(data)
out = zpp_serializer.MemoryOutputArchive(data)
my_person = Student(name="1337", university="1337University")
other_person = inp(Person)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Another example:
import zpp_serializer
import sys
class A(object):
i = zpp_serializer.Uint64
j = zpp_serializer.Uint32
k = zpp_serializer.Uint8
class B(A):
l = zpp_serializer.Uint8
v = zpp_serializer.Vector(zpp_serializer.Uint16)
a = zpp_serializer.Array(zpp_serializer.Uint16, 4)
class C(B):
m = zpp_serializer.Uint32
s = zpp_serializer.String
w = zpp_serializer.WString
def main():
c = C(i=0x1337, j=0x1338, k=1, l=3, m=7)
c.v = [1, 2, 3]
c.a[1:3] = [5, 6]
c.s = "hello world"
c.w = u"hello world"
data = bytearray()
out = zpp_serializer.MemoryOutputArchive(data)
inp = zpp_serializer.MemoryInputArchive(data)
a = inp(A)
print c
print a
if __name__ == '__main__':