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Rebels Manager

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(screenshot of the Rebels Manager)

You can start using the Rebels Manager for our own national branch or even at a local group/chapter level, but the app allows to manage multiple local groups/chapters. Please have a look at our wiki for more details, including a demo and screenshots.

The Rebels Manager wiki

We do our best to keep our wiki up-to-date with relevant information for national branches interested in using the Rebels Manager.

Table of Contents

Ruby version



  • clone repo
  • run the following commands (the first one is optional, depending on your machine setup):
$ rbenv local 2.6.3
$ bundle install
$ yarn
$ cp .env.example .env
  • set your POSTGRES_USER in the .env ( You can use specific file per environment and append .local to them if you want )
  • run the following commands:
$ rails c
  // use the generated key to set your LOCKBOX_MASTER_KEY env variable
  irb> Lockbox.generate_key
$ rails db:prepare

ENV variables


bundle exec rspec

Additional information

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis (for Sidekiq)

Plus a bunch of awesome Ruby Gems, a complete list of which is at /master/Gemfile.


The Rebels Manager is 100% open source. We encourage and support an active, healthy community that accepts contributions from the public – including you!

Please have a look at our Wanna contribute? wiki page for more details about the profiles we are actively looking for.

They contributed already 🙏

All contributors can be found at Thanks a lot to all of them!




The Rebels Manager is built with love and rage. We believe in open source software for good.